- Welcome to Week 5 of Social Computing! π
- DUE Lab 3 is due 2/24.
- Sign up for a demo slot. This is a paired assignment, so you'll need to find a partner. The first group to sign up for 2/12 will get an extra late day.
- Demo feedback can be provided here.
Office Hoursβ
My office hours are on Mondays from 3-4:30pm, Fridays from 4-5pm, and by appointment at SCI 258. Occasional updates to office hours will be reflected here.
To schedule meeting or to ask a question, please email me at sukrit+cs77@swarthmore.edu (the +cs77 will bump your email to the top of my inbox). If it's a general question that might be helpful for everyone, please ask on the class Discord.
To promote life-work balance, I try not to check my email/Discord/Slack after 5pm or on weekends.
Tue 1/21 | π€ππ¬ Welcome (slides) |
Wed 1/22 | π The Promises and Perils of Technology (slides) |
Mon 1/27 | π€ URLs, CSS, and Javascript (slides)- DUE 11:59pmLab 1: Going Viral
- READJavscript TDG: Preface, Introduction to Javascript (1.1-1.4), Lexical Structure (2.1-2.4), JavaScript in Web Browsers (15.1)
Tue 1/28 | π¬ Trolls and Infektions |
Wed 1/29 | π Authenticity, Vulnerability, and Identity (slides) |
Mon 2/3 | π€ Web Servers: Flask, Templates, and JSON(slides)- DUE 11:59pmLab 2: Troll Hunting
- READFlask WD: Ch. 1, 2 (upto but not including Flask Extensions), 3 templates (upto but not including Twitter Bootstrap)
- READJavascript TDG: Objects (6.1-6.4), Arrays (7.1-7.8), JSON Serialization and Parsing (11.6)
Tue 2/4 | π¬ Prompt Engineering |
Wed 2/5 | π AI vs. IA and the Sociotechnical Gap (slides) |
Mon 2/10 | π€ Javascript Events and REST APIs (slides) |
Tue 2/11 | π¬ Setting Up Your Web Server |
Wed 2/12 | π HumanβAI Interaction (slides) |
Mon 2/17 | π€ Lab 3 Work Session |
Tue 2/18 | π¬ Work Session (slides) |
Wed 2/19 | π Content Moderation, Conflict Resolutions, and Quarantines |
Mon 2/24 | π€ Databases and Discord API |
Tue 2/25 | π¬ Everything in Moderation- ASSIGNEDLab 4: Content Moderation in Wonderland (due March 3, 11:59pm)
- READ Eric Goldman. Content Moderation Remedies. Michigan Technology Law Review, 2021. (60 pages)
Wed 2/26 | π Crowdsourcing and Peer Production |
Mon 3/3 | π€ Login and User Authentication- DUE 11:59pmLab 4: Content Moderation in Wonderland
- READFlask WD: Ch. 8 (pg. 101-126)
Tue 3/4 | π¬ Ideation- ASSIGNEDLab 5: Ideate (due March 17, 11:59pm)
Wed 3/5 | π Hope and Speculative Design |
Week 8 π Spring Break! ποΈβ
March 8-16th. No homework, no labs, no demos. Enjoy your break!
Mon 3/17 | π€ React- DUE 11:59pmLab 5: Ideate (due March 17, 11:59pm)
Tue 3/18 | π¬ Prototyping- ASSIGNEDLab 6: Prototype (due March 24, 11:59pm)
Wed 3/19 | π Designing for Norms and Culture |
Week 10β
Mon 3/24 | π€ React, MaterialUI- DUE 11:59pmLab 6: Prototype (due March 24, 11:59pm)
Tue 3/25 | π¬ Front-End UI- ASSIGNEDLab 7: Front-End UI (due Apr. 7, 11:59pm)
Wed 3/26 | π Governance |
Week 11β
Mon 3/31 | π Collaboration |
Tue 4/1 | π¬ Front-End UI- DUE 4/7Lab 7: Front-End UI
Wed 4/2 | π AI in Social Settings |
Week 12β
Mon 4/7 | π€ Login and Sessions- DUE 11:59pmLab 7: Front-End UI
Tue 4/8 | π¬ Back-End Server- ASSIGNEDLab 8: Back-End Server
Wed 4/9 | π Sustaining and Maintaining Social Computing Systems |
Week 13β
Mon 4/14 | π Emergence and Scale: Evaluating Social Computing Systems |
Tue 4/15 | π¬ Back-End Server- DUE 4/21Lab 8: Back-End Server
Wed 4/16 | π [Choose Your Own Adventure] |
Week 14β
Mon 4/21 | π What Tech Calls Thinking and the Power of Refusal- DUE 11:59pmLab 8: Back-End Server
Tue 4/22 | π¬ Deployment- ASSIGNEDLab 9: Deployment (due Apr. 28, 11:59pm)
Wed 4/23 | π The Future of Social Computing |
Week 15: Last Week of Class π₯³β
Mon 4/28 | - DUE 11:59pmLab 9: Deployment
Tue 4/29 | π Social Virtual Reality |
Wed 4/30 | π |
Week 16: Final Presentationsβ
Mon 5/5 | |
Tue 5/6 | Final Presentations (time TBD) |
Wed 5/7 | |
Week 17: Finals Weekβ
Mon 5/12-15 | Final Exam Week |