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Computer Science DepartmentSwarthmore College
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swat cs news
2017-May Ben Marks presents at HCW2017-May Ben Marks and Alex Simms present at ICC
2017-May Ryan Shi presents at TEAMAS
2017-Mar HackTheTriCo
2016-Dec Swarthmore Local Hack Day
2016-Nov Senior Major Poster Session
2016-Nov Ryan Shi Presents at IEEE MIT URTC
2016-Oct Swarthmore Students Present at MemSys
2016-Jun Ben Marks awarded Lang Award
2016-Apr Swarthmore Students Present at MASC-SLL
2015-01-23 Swarthmore students win Tri-Co Hackathon
2014-12-5 Swarthmore students win Hack4Humanity in NYC
2014-9-3 Kendell Byrd selected as CODE2040 Fellow
2014-3-13 Yenny Cheung selected as 2014 KPCB Engineering Fellow
Swat CSers Find App Development Success
2013-12-11 Carolyn Anderson wins CRA Research Award
2013-8-14 C. Smith and D. Fichter present posters at USENIX
2012-9-26 SCCS presents at USENIX LISA conference
2012-6-18 Sarah Chasin wins ACM Research Competition
2011-10-25 SPLASH Conference
2010-04-30 SemEval 2010 Competition
2010-03-18 David Clark FLICS talk
2009-11-03 Derek Tingle -- CCSCE Best Student Poster
2009-10-29 Charles Kelemen -- ACM Distinguished Educator
2009-Fall CS97: What is it to Perceive?