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Kendell Byrd selected as CODE2040 Fellow

This past summer Kendell Byrd '17 was selected to be one of twenty-five fellows for the CODE2040 Fellowship Program. CODE2040 is a computer science fellowship program that partners high performing African-American and Latino software engineering students with summer internships at top tech companies. In addition to partnering their fellows with great companies, CODE2040 also provides mentoring and networking opportunities, leadership training, and educational workshops for their fellows.
During the summer, Kendell
interned at Jawbone,
a tech company that specializes in audio
and wearable technology. Kendell interned on their website development team
where her work included enhancing all of their corporate
and legal
pages, as well as working on other website related projects.
In addition to her Jawbone internship, other highlights of Kendell's
CODE2040 summer experience included receiving media and interview training at
Bloomberg West Television,
and taking a Design Thinking class at
Stanford's Design School with Terry Winograd, who taught and mentored the
two founders of Google. There were also many exciting networking
experiences that provided first-hand interaction with management
professionals from such companies as Google, Facebook, Pandora, Venture
Capitalist Groups, and Twitter.
Kendell feels that her Computer Science major at Swarthmore, as well as her life in general, has been greatly enhanced through participation in such a phenomenal program. She is grateful to CODE2040 and to Swarthmore's CS Department for leading her to this fantastic experience.