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Things to change and where to change them

The magic of dotfiles:
dotfiles (files that start with a .) are the config files. These ones are sitting in your home directory. Do ls -a to see what's there.

initial desktop layout:

.xsession (or maybe .xinitrc)
  • each command executed if login on X console
  • see the man pages for lots of options (e.g., man xterm)
  • last line starts window manager, not in the background!
  • examples (try them on the command line):
    • xclock -digital -update 1 -bg black -fg white -geometry 190x32-0-0 &
    • xterm -sb -T `hostname` -n `hostname` -geometry 80x50+10+170 &
    • xsetroot -solid gray25 &
global defaults in .Xdefaults (may need to run xrdb -merge $HOME/.Xdefaults)

window manager configuration:

  • lots of configuration options...we'll just cover a few
  • examples:
    • number of virtual desktops: DeskTopSize 1x1
    • number of Pager columns: *FvwmPagerColumns 2
    • focus-follows-mouse or ClickToFocus: Style "*" SloppyFocus
    • mouse button 1, in Window, with Meta (Alt) key held down: Mouse 1 W M Move-or-Raise
    • Ctrl-Esc anywhere gives WindowList: Key Escape A C WindowList
  • a good man page (but fvwm2)
  • web page with examples:

shell configuration:

.cshrc for tcsh users, .bashrc for bash users
  • example variables, such as prompt:
    • CSHRC: set prompt = '%m[%~]%% '
    • BASHRC: PS1='\h[\W]\$ '
  • example aliases (user-defined commands):
    • CSHRC: alias mp4 "mpage -4 \!* | lp"
    • CSHRC: alias land enscript -2rhGj
    • BASHRC: alias land='enscript -2rhGj'
    • BASHRC: function mp4 { mpage -4f $1 | lp; }