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Specific Examples

Here are some things to try...

  • change your desktop background (in your .xsession file)
    • xsetroot -solid navy
    • xsetroot -solid \#225
    • bggen 100 100 255 0 0 100 | xv -root -quit -
    • xv -root -quit /usr/swat/pics/brownflames.gif
    • xloadimage -onroot -fullscreen -border gray10 /usr/swat/pics/parrish.jpg
  • add or change a menu item (in .fvwm2rc)
    • + "SteelBlue" Exec exec xsetroot -solid SteelBlue
    • + "sccs" Exec xterm -geometry 80x30 -bg \#136 -e ssh &
  • change the size or number of desktops (in .fvwm2rc)
    • DeskTopSize 4x2
    • *FvwmPagerColumns 2
  • change your initial window properties (in .xsession)
    • xset -b
    • xclock -analog -g 130x130-0-0 &
    • xterm -bg navy -fg white ....
    • rxvt-xpm -ip -fg white &
  • add a new command (.cshrc or in .bashrc)
    • alias cpr to be enscript -C -Ec -2rGhj
    • alias jpr to be enscript -C -Ejava -2rGhj