# Default .cshrc file for cs.swarthmore.edu.
# Written by Geoffrey Noer, Jan. 4, 1995

# This file is read everytime you create a new shell (e.g. by making a
# new window).  Put aliases and definitions that you want to keep at the
# end of this file.

# If you have any questions, don't hesitate to send us your comments by
# emailing "local-staff@cs.swarthmore.edu".  We need your feedback!


# The following line gives you the default behavior for the CS Lab.
# Be sure to read the referenced file if you want to know what it does
# automatically for you every time you login.

source /usr/swat/lib/dotfiles/dot.cshrc


# No need to read this file if noninteractive.
if (! $?prompt) exit		# prompt is set if interactive.
if (! $?term) exit		# term is set if we have a tty attached
				# (needed for "at").


# Customization section begins here.

# We begin with some stuff you might want.  Read each numbered section and
# make a decision as to whether you want the changed behavior or not.
# If you want it, remove the three hashes (###) from the start of every
# line following the section.

# 1) Do you want '.' in your path?  If it is, you will be able to
# execute scripts or binaries that are in the current working directory.
# This is a potential security problem because you may not be aware of what
# is or is not in the current directory and what it would do if executed.
# By default, '.' is not in your path which means that if you have a
# script or binary in your current directory called "filename", you
# will have to type "./filename" to execute it or it will say "filename:
# Command not found".

### set path = ( $path . )

# 2) Do you want to be warned when you are about to delete a file/files?
# By default:
#    a) rm does not ask "are you sure you want to delete filname"
#    b) cp and mv will smash the destination file if it exists instead
#	of checking with you first.
#    c) noclobber is not set.  This means that if you say
#	"cat file1 > file2" and file2 exists, file2 gets overwritten.
#    d) rmstar is not set.  This means that if you say "rm *" in a
#	directory, it will not say "are you sure you want to delete
#	all files? [y/n]".
# Uncommenting the following lines will make the computer ask "are you
# sure" in each of these cases.

alias rm	rm -i        # add comments back, if you don't want rm to ask
### alias cp	cp -i
### alias mv	mv -i
### set noclobber
### set rmstar

# 3) Filename completion options.  By default you get plain old
# filename completion where hitting tab will complete a filename argument
# to a command.  The tcsh shell allows for special cases where if you
# use a specific command it will try to complete the filename with a
# special extension.  For example, if you run latex, the normal extension
# is .tex so if you type "filena" and then a tab it will complete all the
# way to "filename.tex", even if there is also a "filename.dvi" present.
# You will most likely want to uncomment all of these lines.

### complete cc     'n/*/f:*.[coa]/' 
### complete gcc    'n/*/f:*.[coa]/'
### complete finger 'n/*/u/'
### complete man    'n/*/c/'
### complete pc     'n/*/f:*.[po]/'
### complete tangle 'n/*/f:*.web/'
### complete weave  'n/*/f:*.web/'
### complete which  'n/*/c/'
### complete tex    'n/*/f:*.tex/'
### complete latex  'n/*/f:*.tex/'
### complete xdvi   'n/*/f:*.dvi/'
### complete dvips  'n/*/f:*.dvi/'
### complete makeindex 'n/*/f:*.idx/'
### complete unsetenv 'n/*/e/'
### complete printenv 'n/*/e/'
### complete co      'n/*/p:RCS/'
### complete obscure 'n/*/f:*.flip/'
### complete clarify 'n/*/f:*.flip/'
# allow tab tab to list files you match so far
set autolist = ambiguous

# 4) How do you want your default file permissions?  By default, all files
# you create are readable by everyone on the system.  If this is not what
# you want, uncomment the following line and new files you create will
# only be readable by you.

### umask 077

# 5) By default the following line turns off core dumps.  If you like
# analyzing core dumps, add three hash signs (###) before it and go wild!

limit coredumpsize 0

# 6) Set the tcsh prompt.
if ( $?tcsh ) then
   set prompt  = '%m[%~]%% '  # machine[directory]%


# Anything you want to add?

# To make an alias, just add a line "alias foo bar".  Then whenever
# you type "foo", "bar" is executed.  A lot of example aliases are
# located in /usr/local/lib/dotfiles/example-aliases.  To view this
# file, type "less /usr/local/lib/dotfiles/example-aliases" at the prompt.
# Example:
# alias jobs	jobs -l
# Here whenever you type jobs it will automatically add the -l flag
# options for printing 2 & 4 to a page
alias mp2           "mpage -2  \!* | lp"
alias mp4           "mpage -4  \!* | lp"
alias land          enscript -2rhGj