Partner Etiquette
During your work on your group project, you should follow these guidelines:
The expectation is that you are working collaboratively with your group. You are not required to meet as a full group every time progress is made, but you should be sure to communicate your ideas to your group and accept feedback. You are encouraged to develop your code collaboratively with some of your group members when appropriate.
All group members should participate equally in the project. Make sure you are doing your fair share of the work. Also, allow others the opportunity to do the same.
Keep in touch with your group members! You should be informed about the status of each part of the project, how much progress is being made, and whether any of your group members need help.
Group members should decide upon clear and well-defined roles for their participation in the project. Do not make significant modifications to someone else’s part of the project without discussing it with them first. That said, group members should also be open to observations and feedback; if one of your teammates makes suggestions about how your design may be improved, discuss the matter and give it due consideration.
If you feel at any point that your partnership is not working out, contact your instructor.
An old adage says that “Rome wasn’t built in a day”. It is also true that Rome wasn’t built by one person. Great achievements arise from communication and collaborative efforts. Rely upon the skills and knowledge of your teammates and expect them to rely upon yours.