CS21 - Introduction to Computer Science
Fall 2016

Course Basics

Lecture: Tuesday/Thursday 1:15-2:30pm, Science Center 256
Instructor: Ameet Soni    
Office: Science Center 253
Office hours: 3 to 5pm, Wednesday or by appointment
Lab Instructor: David Mauskop
Office Hours: Monday and Thursday, 2:30-4:30pm, SC 262A
Lab A: Wednesday 1:15-2:45pm, Science Center 256
Lab B: Wednesday 3:00-4:30pm, Science Center 256
Lab C: Tuesday 1:05-2:35pm, Science Center 240
Lab D: Tuesday 2:45-4:15pm, Science Center 256

Welcome to CS21. This course will introduce fundamental ideas in computer science while also teaching you how to write computer programs. We will study algorithms for solving problems and implement solutions in the Python programming language. Python is an interpreted language that is known for its ease of use. We also introduce object-oriented programming and data structures. A deeper coverage of these topics will be presented in CS 35.

This course is appropriate for all students who want to learn how to write computer programs and think like computer scientists. It is the usual first course for computer science majors and minors. Students with advanced placement credit or extensive programming experience should place out of this course and instead begin with CS31 or CS35.

Required Course Textbook

book pic See the Schedule for each week's reading assignment. We will primarily be using the online book
How to think like a computer scientist: Learning with Python by Elkner, Downey and Meyers.

Additional references

Accessing the CS labs after hours

You can use your ID to gain access to the computer labs at nights and on the weekends. Just wave your ID over the microprox reader next to the lab doors. When the green light goes on, just push the door to get in (the door knob will not turn). If the green light doesn't go on, then we need to enter your microprox number into the system. Email local-staff@cs.swarthmore.edu (or see Bridget) if you have problems with this. If the building is locked, you can use your ID to enter the door between Martin and Cornell library. For this class, your ID will give you access to the labs in rooms 238, 240, and 256.