Project work week is solely devoted to you and your project group
working on your course project.
Our regular class and lab times are
additional times in your schedule to add to your regular weekly work on
your project, as is the lack of assigned lab, paper reading,
reaction notes, and reading group tasks.
You should make substantial progress on your project during project work week.
In particular, this should be a week devoted to making large strides in
the implementation of your project (for a type 1 project),
or on the investigation and writing on the depth foci of your
project (for a type 2 project).
Regardless of which type of project you are doing, you will want to
update your bib file with related work as you find it this week. Make
sure to update your final report bib file with this new related
work (FinalProject/finalreport.bib). You also may want to
start your finalreport.bib from a copy of your
propsal.bib that has some related work entries you already
added from your proposal. One way to do this is to copy your
proposal.bib file to your finalreport.bib file:
cd FinalProject
cp ../Proposal/proposal.bib finalreport.bib
On Saturday evening at the end of project work week, you will push to your
project git repo:
- For a type 1 project: all code you have written for your project so far
and a README_PWW file describing what you accomplished this week (details
below). Also, as you find related work (papers, tools, etc.), I encourage you to
add these to your FinalProject/finalreport.bib file with ANNOTE
that summarizes what it is, and how it is related.
- For a type 2 project: detalied content (sections) for the depth
parts of your project in FinalProject/finalreport.tex, and
bibtex entries from your depth investigation added to
FinalProject/finalreport.bib, with ANNOTE
parts filled in for each paper related to the depth parts you have
added. The report sections do not have to be completely polished writing, and
some parts may be in outline form, but you should have some big parts of
content on the depth parts filled in with details.
Week 13, your group will submit a short mid-way progress report and give
a 10 minute presentation to the class introducing your project and discussing
what you have done and where you are going (
midway presentation and report).
Additional Requirements
- I expect all groups to attend the first 15 minutes of our regularly scheduled
Thursday class meeting during project work week.
- Each group must sign-up for a group meeting with me during project
work week (I'll send out a google doc for you to sign-up).
This meeting is a time to discuss with me your progress, any changes to your project
plan, and any difficulties you are having. You may also schedule other
meetings with me if you'd like that week. I will not hold regular office hours
during project work week, but your group can contact me if you'd like to
set up other times to meet with me that week.
Push to your Project git repo before the due date:
For a Type 1 Project:
- In the source/ subdirectory of your Project
repo, add all your project source files, and Makefile to build
Do not add .o or executable files to your project git repo.
You can edit your .gitignore file at the top of your Project repo
adding in names of executable and other files git should ignore.
Currently, for example, at the top of the .gitignore file are entries
for the pdf version of the written parts of your project.
- In your top-level Project repo directory add a file
named README_PWW with the following information:
- Tell me whether your code is build-able and runnable,
and if so how to do both (command line examples).
- A list of your project plan from your project proposal
that is annotated
with notes about which parts of your plan you accomplished this week;
tell me what you did this week, tell me what new parts were implemented,
what new parts tested, etc. You may have an altered project plan
from the one you submitted with your proposal, which is fine. Use
the project plan that best fits your project now.
Annotate your plan with which group member was responsible for
completing different parts, and which are responsible for future
parts. If some were worked on by more than one of you, include
both/all of you in the annotation for that task.
You should have more details filled out than from your proposal plan
that reflect what you have done and what changes you have
made to your next steps.
- In the FinalReport/ subdirectory push any updates you have
made to your finalreport.bib file.
For a Type 2 Project:
- In the FinalReport/ subdirectory of your Project
repo, push all changes you have made to your finalreport.bib
and finalreport.tex files.
- In your top-level Project repo directory add a file named README_PWW
with the following information:
- A list of your project plan from your project proposal
that is annotated
with notes about which parts of your plan you accomplished this week;
tell me what you did this week, tell me what new parts were implemented,
what new parts tested, etc. You may have an altered project plan
from the one you submitted with your proposal, which is fine. Use
the project plan that best fits your project now.
Annotate your plan with which group member was responsible for
completing different parts, and which are responsible for future
parts. If some were worked on by more than one of you, include
both/all of you in the annotation for that task.
You should have more details filled out than from your proposal plan
that reflect what you have done and what changes you have
made to your next steps.