Project Progress Report
Prepare a one or two page written progress report containing the
- An updated project schedule with milestones and dates annotated with
information indicating which parts you have completed, which parts you are
currently working, and which parts you have yet to start. Include any
changes to your plan. Be specific about
what you are going to do (or have done), what you have left to do, and in what
order you plan to do these things.
- One paragraph describing any difficulties you have encountered so far
and how you plan to resolve them (or how you did reslove them). If
you don' t know how to resolve them or have some ideas but have not
completely figured it out yet, then explicitly tell me this so that I
can try to suggest some solutions.
This should be written using the
report.tex template in your
Project/MidwayReport/ subdirectory of your Project repo. Push
the .tex to your repo by the due date (don't add the .pdf to your repo, but
you should make sure you can successfully make a .pdf version from you .tex
before you push).
Project Progress Presentation
In class on Tuesday or Thursday, each group will give a 15 minute
presentation that briefly discusses their project's progress. Plan
for about 10-12 minutes of presenation of your topic and about 3-5 minutes
for questions and discussion.
You should have a few slides (6-8) that:
- Introduce your project to your classmates (about 7 minutes).
- List the milestones you have met and the ones you have left to do.
- List any problems you have encountered along the way.
Use this as an opportunity to introduce your classmates to your project and
to get some feedback from your classmates on some of the work you have
done and have left to do.
As an audience member, you are responsible for giving feedback to the
other groups. I will provide feedback forms that you will fill out for
each group.
Here is a link to my
tips for preparing oral presentations (there are some links to other tips about oral
presentations off this page too)
Where to upload your talk slides and link to them
Create a .pdf version of your midway presentation talk slides and scp them into
public_html subdirectory on the CS system, set permissions
so that they are world readable, and add a link to them from the google doc:
- From your home machine, copy the pdf version of your midway presentation slides
(e.g. midwaypres.pdf) into your public_html subdirectory on the
CS system:
scp midwaypres.pdf
See the details about setting up your public_html directory on the CS system from the webpage directions from Paper1 assignment.
- On the CS machine, set permissions so that this file is world readable:
$ cd ~/public_html
$ chmod 644 midwaypres.pdf
$ ls -l
-rw-r--r-- ... midwaypres.pdf
- On the Midway Presentation google doc add a link to your talk slides:
- Insert -> Insert Link
- Enter the url to your talk slides and name the link something (I have an example off this page you can follow). The url will be something like this:
Test out this link from the google doc page after you add it to make sure you download your talk slides .pdf from the link you added to the google doc.
Presentation Schedule
Upload a link to your talk slides (.pdf version) to
the google doc before 12:30pm on the day your group presents.
We need to get through all of these in a short amount of class time, so you must
copy a .pdf version of your talk slides into your
public_html directory on the CS
system, and add a link to them off the google doc before class. See the
talks slides upload directions above for details.
Tuesday April 21 Presentations
Thursday April 23 Presentations
Group 1. Ayaka, Haochen, Minh
| Group 4. Kevin, Mickey, Rick
Group 2. Brendan, Gus, Zach
| Group 5. Christina, Lamia
Group 3. Ford, Keon, Sam
| Group 6. Danielle Jonathan
| Group 7. Kat Kyra