CPSC 035: Schedule


This page contains the course schedule for CS35.

Each week includes a list of topics, lecture videos (if applicable), optional readings, and a link to any tasks or lab assignments.

[+]Week 1 - Getting Started

[+]Week 2 - Programming in C++

[+]Week 3 - Classes and Objects

[+]Week 4 - Finishing OOP and Runtime Analysis

[+]Week 5 - Sorting

[+]Week 6 - Lists

[+]Week 7 - Stacks; Queues; Search Algorithms

[+]Week 8 - Mathematical Induction; Midterm Exam

[+]Week 9 - Dictionaries; Binary Search Trees

[+]Week 10 - Balanced BST's; Priority Queues

[+]Week 11 - Heap Sort; Hash Tables

[+]Week 12 - Linear Probing; Graphs

[+]Week 13 - Graph Algorithms: Part 1

[+]Week 14 - Graph Algorithms: Part 2; References