Useful resources for computer scientists, mathematicians, and students
Useful non-CS reference material
My dog
My activities
- Service:
I was the treasurer of Swarthmore College's
Sigma Xi chapter, 2017-19. I served on the Search Committee
for Associate Dean of the Faculty (2021). I was on the College Judiciary
Committee (2019-20, 2021-23). I was on the Fellowships and Prizes
Committee (2018-19, 2023-24). I have been on many faculty hiring
committees (multiple searches every year since 2016). Many
other committees probably lurk in my future.
I was on the University of Toronto's Department of Computer
Science Chair Search Committee (spring 2010). I served as treasurer
for the Computer Science
Graduate Student Benevolent Society (CSGSBS) from '09-'11. I
was a CS representative to the Graduate Student Union '08-'09.
- Sports:
I climb things (a short person's aspirational hobby).
I have in the past enjoyed gymnastics, crew, skiing, and
rugby, and
synchronized swimming (link purged by embarrassment).
This has resulted in some cool images of my knee
(see my MRI
and X-ray),
and some knee surgeries. I do not recommend knee surgery as
an enjoyable pastime.
- Communication:
I have an online presence. You're experiencing it now.
It should be clearly understood that everything I post outside
this professional webpage represents my own opinion,
and not that of my employer, collaborators, or funding
It is mostly boring anyway, don't waste your time.
Nevertheless, I have a personal
blog. (Deprecated: silly blog,
and all previous CS46 twitter accounts.)
You might have stumbled on my website whilst looking for someone
else. At this point, you have wasted considerable time perusing.
Perhaps you are seeking the physicist
Dr. Ernest
Fontes or the data scientist
Dr. Ernest Fontes.