Exploring the limits of what computers can do

Course Basics

CPSC 046 / MATH 046 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:30am-10:20am, Science Center 181
Lab A: Monday 1:15pm - 2:45pm, Clothier 016
Instructor: Lila Fontes
Email: fontes at cs.swarthmore.edu
Office: Science Center 258
Office Hours: by appointment on Zoom
Textbook: Introduction to the Theory of Computation, Third Edition by Sipser. (any edition is ok) Errata.
Clickers: You will need an iClicker (physical device, not the app) for this class. Register your iClicker here.
Course Discussion: EdStem (mandatory enrollment)
Lab assignments:weekly, due Sunday 11:59pm

Welcome to CS46. This course is an introduction to the formal systems that are commonly used as abstract models for computational processes. We will study a variety of computational models, and classify and solve problems in each of them. While computers are now ubiquitous and the idea of an algorithm seems natural, where did these ideas originate? Why, for instance, do we have memory on our machines --- is it necessary for computation, or simply a convenience? Do other methods of computation even exist? Could we solve more interesting problems with another model? Along the way, this course will develop mathematical concepts which are fundamentally important for computer science: decidability, undecidability, and computational complexity. We will go beyond simply saying "this problem seems hard" and show that some computational problems are inherently harder than others, or simply unsolvable by computers. We will examine the limits of computers and computation, and consider the consequences of these limits. By approaching these topics from a formal standpoint, this course aims to teach students how to describe and to reason precisely about computational objects.