Course Basics
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:30AM - 11:20AM, Science Center 105
Lab A: |
Thursday 1:05PM - 2:35PM, Science Center 256 |
Lab B: |
Thursday 2:45PM - 4:15PM, Science Center 256 |
Only the Kleinberg and Tardos book is required, but CLRS is a useful reference.
Welcome to CS41. This class explores algorithmic design and
analysis in a more formal approach than CS21 or CS35. Algorithmic
problems arise in many diverse areas of computer science. Often, one
must take open ended, abstract, real-world problems and extract a
clean mathematical problem that can be approached
algorithmically. Designing a solution requires knowing the rules and
common techniques of the model of computation used. Multiple models
represent various abstractions of real computer systems and may result
in very different solutions. Regardless of the model however, good
algorithmic design requires careful analysis of complexity and proofs
of correctness. Topics covered include asymptotic notation, graph
algorithms, greedy algorithms, divide and conquer, dynamic
programming, NP-completeness, approximation algorithms, and randomized algorithms.