Assessment (Grading)

40%Lab assignments (~11)
30%Final exam
5%Quizzes (3-4)
5%Class Participation and Attendance

Class Participation

Your participation grade consists of:
  • Required attendance to lecture and lab
  • Active participation in lecture
  • Active engagement in the class discussion group (Piazza)

Lab assignment policy

Lab assignments are submitted electronically using the handin35 program, and are typically due by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday nights. You may submit your assignment multiple times, but each submission overwrites the previous one and only the final submission will be graded. Unless otherwise stated, you should assume that a lab assignment is to be done individually. Most of the assignments after the first month will provide the option of working in pairs. Most written assignments, however, must be done individually, even if the main programming assignment for the week allowed paired programming. I will specify which written assignments can be submitted together; assume by default that you must submit written assignments individually.

Late Policy: Each individual will be given 2 late days for the semester. This will encompass any reason - illness, interviews, paper deadlines, etc. You must notify me by the original lab deadline that you plan on using late days. Since handin35 won't accept late submissions, you must also notify me when your lab is finished so that I can grab the files in your directory. Past these days, late assignments will not be accepted except in very rare, extreme circumstances. You should budget your 2 days to account for future illnesses or assignment deadlines for other courses. Even if you do not fully complete a lab assignment you should submit what you have done to receive partial credit.

Quiz policy

Quizzes will be given at the beginning of class or lab. Each quiz will be brief (15 minutes) and will cover the material most recently covered in the course (e.g. the previous week or two weeks). The quizzes are designed to be simple enough that no studying is required beyond the normal review of lecture material. If you do not show up for the quiz, you will receive a zero.