vim tips and tricks
Some variables you might want to set:
:set tabstop=8 - tabs are at proper location :set expandtab - don't use actual tab character (ctrl-v) :set shiftwidth=4 - indenting is 4 spaces :set autoindent - turns it on :set smartindent - does the right thing (mostly) in programs :set cindent - stricter rules for C programs
I like having auto on, but smart does funny things based on keywords.
To indent the current line, or a visual block:
ctrl-t, ctrl-d - indent current line forward, backwards (insert mode) visual > or < - indent block by sw (repeat with . )
To stop indenting when pasting with the mouse, add this to your .vimrc:
:set pastetoggle=<f5>
then try hitting the F5 key while in insert mode (or just :set paste).