


Due on Tuesday, February 25th at 11:59 PM. This is a compiler lab. If you have a partner, the two of you will complete this lab as a team. If you do not have a partner, you are effectively in a team by yourself.

If you are working with a partner, please be familiar with the Partner Etiquette guidelines. You and your partner share a single repository and, barring unusual circumstances, will receive the same grade. If you experience any difficulties in your partnership, please alert your instructor as soon as possible.

If you are working alone, please don’t hesitate to seek help if you get stuck. Since there are no ninjas for this course and you don’t have a partner, your instructor is the only interactive resource available to you and is happy to help you through any problems you might encounter.

In either case, be familiar with the academic integrity policy! You are permitted to discuss high-level details of your compiler project with other students, but you should never see or share anything that will be turned in for a grade. If you need help, please post on the course forum or, if necessary, contact the instructor directly. Make sure to post privately if you are sharing code. If you have any doubts about what is okay and what is not, it’s much safer to ask than to risk violating the Academic Integrity Policy.


This lab will extend the Bluebird compiler to new language called Cardinal. Cardinal includes a printing primitive as well as runtime type checks to identify when a user has misused a value. Unlike Bluebird (whose behavior is unspecified when the user writes e.g. true + true), Cardinal will halt the program with a specified runtime error if the user’s program uses a value incorrectly. Just as with your previous assignment, this assignment uses the same compiler repository; we will continue this throughout the rest of the course.

This page will:

Migrating to Cardinal

As with the previous lab, the starter files for Cardinal have been stored in a branch in your Git repository. To start work on Cardinal, you must first move to the Cardinal branch with

git fetch
git switch cardinal

This will move you to a version of the compiler which contains Cardinal starter files and nothing else. Next, run

git merge bluebird

to merge your previous work – the Bluebird compiler – into this starter code.

Once you’ve done this, you’ll find some changes to your repository. The src/language directory has changed again; the ASTs and parser here have been updated to include new Cardinal language features. There is also a new file resources/error.h and resources/error.c which we will use for error handling in Cardinal programs.

Make sure to run make clean and make to verify that your merge was successful. Upon doing this, you’ll probably get a lot of OCaml compiler warning messages – these are important and we’ll deal with them later – but your compiler should still be able to compile and run Bluebird programs. Cardinal is an extension of the Bluebird language, so everything that worked in Bluebird should still work now. You can verify this by running your unit tests.

The Cardinal Language

As usual, we begin with the concrete syntax, the abstract syntax, and the semantics of the Cardinal language. There is only one syntactic difference between Bluebird and Cardinal: the print unary operator, which will display a value.

Concrete Syntax

For completeness, here is the concrete syntax of Cardinal:

<expression> ::=
  | true
  | false
  | <integer>
  | after(<expression>)
  | before(<expression>)
  | print(<expression>)
  | isbool(<expression>)
  | isint(<expression>)
  | <expression> + <expression>
  | <expression> - <expression>
  | <expression> * <expression>
  | <expression> < <expression>
  | <expression> > <expression>
  | <expression> = <expression>
  | <expression> && <expression>
  | <expression> || <expression>
  | <identifier>
  | let <identifier> = <expression> in <expression>
  | if <expression> then <expression> else <expression>
  | (<expression>)

Abstract Syntax

As with previous languages, the file src/language/ contains an abstract syntax for the concrete syntax given above. The only difference corresponds to the concrete syntax, of course: the unary_operator type has a new constructor OpPrint.


There are two kinds of semantic difference that we will observe in Cardinal. First: we have a new unary operator print. It is somewhat different from other unary operators because it has the side-effect of printing, which we must define precisely. Second: we will implement runtime error checking to prevent Cardinal programs from executing nonsensical code. The Bluebird program true + true has no meaning, but our compilation strategy causes its compiled form to produce -1. The Cardinal program true + true will stop with an error message.


The new print operator in Cardinal’s syntax prints out a human-readable text representation of its argument and then returns that same value. We will use the printValue C function in printer.c to display the value so we can compile the program without worrying about system-specific details of interacting with the user.

Note that this printing occurs independently from the printing of the final value once the program is finished. For instance, the code

let x = 4 in
let y = print(x) in
print(y > 6)

will print


The 4 is printed by the expression print(x); this expression also evaluates to 4, so y is bound to 4. This means that print(y > 6) will print false and also evaluate to false. Since the overall expression evaluates to false, this is printed when the program terminates.


The semantics of Cardinal also include error conditions, when we will terminate the program at runtime without producing a value. When an error arises, we will print a message and terminate the program with a non-zero exit code. (The implementation of this is discussed below.) The following conditions will produce an error:

In general, we assign meanings to the exit codes of Cardinal programs:

When error checking a binary operator, you may either (1) check each operand after you compute it or (2) check both operands after computing both operands. Either is acceptable behavior.

In a fashion similar to the above, we will handle errors using the error.c resource file. This file defines a C function which will print a message and immediately terminate the process with the provided error code.

As an example, the code

let x = 4 in
if x - 4 then 5 else 0

will terminate with exit code 2 because x - 4 evaluates to an integer and not a boolean.

Evaluation Order

Because Cardinal programs now have side-effects, the order in which you evaluate subexpressions becomes important. Consider the following program:

print(3) - print(2)

This program should print a 3, a 2, and then a 1 as we traditionally evaluate arithmetic expressions from left to right. If we evaluate the second subexpression of the - first, we will instead get 2, 3, and then 1. Different languages make different kinds of guarantees about evaluation order, but our Cardinal language will conform to the behavior that most procedural programmers expect: subexpressions are evaluated in order from left to right.

Interacting with the World

The features of Cardinal allow the programmer to interact with the rest of the system in a more meaningful way. To do this, you’ll need to know the C function calling conventions so your code can call (and be called by) C correctly. You’ll also need to use some new assembly instructions.

C Calling Conventions

Code that either calls or is called by a C function must conform to a set of conventions in order to be linked properly. Each call has a caller (the code making the function call) and a callee (the code of the function being called). The particular conventions depend upon the operating system and architecture of the system. For x86-64 POSIX systems like Linux and MacOS, the following conventions apply:

†Although the x86-64 POSIX conventions require 16-byte stack alignment, you can feel free to skip this step in your compiler. This alignment requirement is only necessary for vector instructions and similar operations that we are not using and, since the current implementation of printf doesn’t appear to use it either, we can be successfully non-conformant for now.

‡Technically, the x86-64 POSIX conventions allow us to skip using rbp entirely so long as we preserve it. But that’s a tricky, error-prone optimization, so we’re going to use rbp as described above.

Allocating Enough Stack Space

So far, we’ve been intentionally sloppy about how we access stack memory: we’ve just been using memory beyond the location stored in rsp. In the C calling convention, however, we are expected to move rsp to make room for our local variables. In particular, all of our local variables should live between rbp and rsp.

In observing this calling convention, you can just change all of your rsp offsets to use rbp instead. Then, to make sure that functions that you call do not use this memory, you must adjust rsp to account for all of your local variables (including temporary variables). Probably the easiest way to do this is to examine your assembly instructions for the expression after you have produced them. For instance, consider this hypothetical compilation of the expression 4 - let x = 2 in after(x):

mov rax, 8          ; a Cardinal 4 for the left subtraction operand
mov [rbp-8], rax    ; store that 1 in a temp location
mov rax, 4          ; a Cardinal 2 for the value of x
mov [rbp-16], rax   ; store the value of x
mov rax, [rbp-16]   ; retrieve the value of x
sub rax, 2          ; perform the after operation
mov [rbp-16], rax   ; store the result of after in a temp location
                    ; note that x is out of scope now, so we reuse its memory
mov rax, [rbp-8]    ; retrieve the first temp value
sub rax, [rbp-16]   ; subtract the second temp value

For such a short code block, this unoptimized assembly accesses the stack in a lot of subtle ways. A quick skim, however, reveals that the lowest stack memory address that was accessed is [rbp-16]. In order to determine the correct amount by which to move rsp, it is enough to skim through this assembly code and determine the smallest offset to rbp used throughout. This is only true because we always offset rbp with constants! A more complex compiler might need to use a different strategy to compute the size of a stack frame but, for our purposes, this will suffice.

So for our purposes, you could write a function (e.g. stack_memory_of_instruction_list) that would, given an instruction list, produce an int describing how much stack memory it used. You’ll almost certainly want some helper functions like e.g. stack_memory_of_instruction, stack_memory_of_argument, and so on; it’s up to you how to organize this algorithm. Once you have written a function to determine how much memory your assembly code uses, call that function from compile_program and use the number it returns to set up an appropriate stack frame.

New Assembly Constructors

Here are some constructors you’ll probably want to include in your file.

Implementing the Cardinal Compiler

Here’s a strategy you can use to transition from Bluebird to Cardinal incrementally, which will hopefully make the process easier.

  1. As stated above, perform your git switch and git merge operations. Then, immediately make clean, make tests, and run ./tests. You’ll get some compiler warnings, but your tests should run just fine (as long as they did when you finished Bluebird!).

  2. Add the caller-saved/volatile registers to rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8, r9, r10 (if you haven’t already), r11, and rbp. Change your compiler so that memory locations are offset from rbp instead of rsp. Write a helper function in that calculates the number of bytes of stack memory used by the instructions your compile_expression function is returning. Then, write code to make your bird_main routine observe the C calling conventions. Currently, compile_program uses compile_expression to compile your code and then just adds a ret instruction to the end. You’ll need to change compile_program so that it adds the appropriate callee behavior instead of just one ret instruction. Again: run your unit tests after this step to make sure everything works.

  3. Write code for print expressions. This requires your code to observe the caller behavior of the C calling conventions. You’ll need to add the line extern printValue to the preamble of assembly generated in compile_to_assembly_code so that you can use the printValue label even though it’s defined outside of your assembly code (by printer.c). Make sure to test with programs that print before, within, and after other expressions to look for stack memory bugs.

  4. Now add error checking to your compiler. For each operation that requires a certain type of operand (like after or +), add code to check the operands before performing the operation. If the program detects an incorrect operand, it should call stopWithError. As above, you’ll need to add extern stopWithError to your assembly preamble to be able to call this external function; you’ll also need to add error.c to the list of linked files in

    You’re likely going to need to add error checking to many places in your compiler: each operand of each binary operator, for instance, should be checked. Rather than writing every checking instruction in each place, you are encouraged to generalize with an OCaml helper function. Remember that your compiler is a program that is producing lists of instructions. You could easily write a function like check_rax_int that generates instructions to (1) check the tag bit of rax, (2) call stopWithError if rax does not contain an int, and (3) ensure that rax still contains the same value if it does contain an int. You could then call this helper function everywhere you need some instructions to check rax.

    It’s likely that you’ll need another helper register to do this checking; after all, you’ll need somewhere to hold onto a real copy of the value you are checking while you use another register to manipulate it (and we still need r10 to hold 64-bit values). Feel free to use r11 as a second temporary register for this purpose.

    Make sure to write tests to confirm the behavior of runtime errors as well. Note that not all of the error messages and return codes have been written into error.c; you’ll need to add a couple.

That should cover all of the behaviors of Cardinal. Make sure you test each of the steps before moving on to the next one. Success in writing software often depends upon breaking the task into small, approachable pieces and adding bit by bit to your application.

Testing the Cardinal Compiler: Failing On Purpose

The testing function test_runtime_failure in makes it easy to create an OUnit test that compiles and runs a given source file and expects it to fail with a particular exit code. You can use this function to test intentionally incorrect code to make sure your compiled Cardinal programs handle these errors correctly. Your compiler must compile programs that behave correctly in good situations and which stop with an error in bad situations.


To complete this assignment, you’ll need to


It is not enough to push your work. In your repository, you will find a Python script called In order to submit your lab assignment, it should be sufficient to run that script by typing python3 -a cardinal in your terminal. For this script to work correctly, you must have committed all uncommitted files in your repository and pushed your work so that your repository is in sync with your GitHub remote repository. Note that, because your compiler repository will be used for multiple different assignments, you must specify which assignment you are submitting when you run the submit script.

The aforementioned Python script is designed to create a Git tag: a name for a specific commit in your repository. (The script also performs a series of checks to help ensure that the tag you create contains what you likely think it contains.) The tag will be named using the words “submission”, the name of your assignment, and a version number (such as submission_cardinal_01). Your instructor will know that you have submitted your work because this tag will appear in your repository. If you need to resubmit your work to correct changes after receiving a grade, you can simply create new commits and then create another tag (preferrably with At any given time, only your most recent outstanding submission will be graded.

In addition to submitting your work, you should fill out a brief questionnaire found here. In most cases, the questionnaire should take less than a minute.

If You Have Trouble…

…then please contact your instructor! The course forum is the preferred method, but you can reach out via e-mail as well. Good luck!