Introduction to Computer Science

Quiz 2 Study Guide

This page contains a list of things you should know before taking Quiz 2.


We introduced booleans, a type for the “truth values” True and False. You should know how to create True and False values from various Python operators and how to describe conditions using Python expressions.


For each of the following expressions, is the result True or False? Why?

For each of the following conditions, write a Python expression which is True when that condition holds.

if statements

We introduced branching control flow in the form of if statements. You should know how if statements are executed; you should also be familiar with the associated elif and else blocks.


Predict (without the use of a computer) what each of the following programs will print.


As with the last quiz, you should know how to find mistakes in small programs. Given a description of what a program should do and the program itself, you should be able to identify how it can be fixed. (Hint: there may be more than one thing wrong with a program.)


For each of the following descriptions, a program is provided which is an incorrect implementation. Identify how that implementation can be corrected to conform with the description.



This program was intended to print all of the squares between 1 and 25 (inclusive).


for n in range(5):
  print n*n



This program was intended to print only the vowels from the string provided by the user.


phrase = raw_input("Please enter a phrase: ")
output = ""
for c in phrase:
  if c == ["a","e","i","o","u"]:
    output += c
print output



This program was intended to print all of the numbers between 1 and 1000 (inclusive) which are divisible by both 3 and 5.


for n in range(1,1001):
  if n % 3 and 5 == 0:
    print n



This program sums the cubes of the numbers between 1 and 10 and then prints the result.


total = 0
for n in range(1,11):
  total = n ** 3
print total