$ python

-------- mastermind v0.1 ----------

I am thinking of a 4-letter code. Each letter
in the code is one of 6 possibilities: ABCDEF.
For example, the code could be ECDC, or DDCD.
You have 12 guesses to break the code!
After each guess, I will tell you how many
exact and partial matches you have.

 1: aabc
                        2 exact matches
                        1 partial match
 2: aadd
                        2 exact matches
                        0 partial matches
 3: aace
                        3 exact matches
                        0 partial matches
 4: aacf
                        3 exact matches
                        0 partial matches
 5: aacc
                        3 exact matches
                        0 partial matches
 6: aaca
                        4 exact matches
                        0 partial matches
You win!
And it only took you 6 guesses...

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Example 2

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