CS91.3 Lab 10: CNN in your Research
Due Tuesday, April 5th, by midnight (23:59, EST)
The goals for this lab assignment are:
Understand CNN
Practice with CNN code examples
Apply CNN to your Research
Ask CNN related questions
Prepare for submission to HCII 2022 by 04/28
1. Prepare for Submission to HCII 2022 (ONE Hour)
Review the related Lecture Notes
Follow the HCII requirements, write the Late Breaking Work Poster Proposal (300 words)
Follow the HCII requirements, write the Late Breaking Work Paper Proposal (800 words)
2. Apply CNN to your Research (FIVE Hours)
Add the CNN implementation to your ten-page paper.
Highlight WHY and HOW you use CNN in your Research.
Highlight the Innovation part of your Research.
Highlight the Connection part of your Research.
Clarify which lines of code is your Innovation part with line numbers.
Correctly cite other papers if you are using code from others.
3. Submission Guide
Each team only submits one file, lab_10_lastname1_lastname2.zip, including
HCII Poster Version (300 words) PDF File, for example, HCII_Poster_lastname1_lastname2.PDF
HCII Paper Version (800 words) PDF File, for example, HCII_Paper_lastname1_lastname2.PDF
Lab_10_lastname1_lastname2.PDF, for your ten-page final paper draft with CNN implementation.
Email 'xqu1@swarthmore.edu' your Lab 10 files as lab_10_lastname1_lastname2.zip.
The team members from the same team may get the same score.
4. Notes
Each team only needs to submit one ZIP file, with both names on it. The file size should be less than 10 M.
Email 'xqu1@swarthmore.edu' your lab 10 files as lab_10_lastname1_lastname2.zip.
The team members from the same team may get the same score.
Lab assignments will typically be released on Wednesday and will be due by midnight on the following Tuesday.
This lab was released on 03/30 and will be due by midnight on 04/05.