CS 66 Lab 8
Due Monday, 11/14/2022, by midnight (23:59, EST)
Class participation, EdSTEM, Figma, and Google Folder.
The goals for this lab assignment are:
Learn how to compare machine learning algorithms
Practice your final paper’s programming part.
Reproduce machine learning results from classic papers
1. Reviewer Guide
Pay attention to the section of 'Review content;
Considering the reviewer guide when preparing your labs and final paper
Summary and contributions:
Relation to prior work:
Additional feedback:
Overall score:
Confidence score:
Broader impact:
Ethical concerns:
2. Paper Example
Please read this example below:
Reproduce the left-right task, and track the runtime for each algorithm.
Write a result section to summarize your findings, with a result table.
3. CNN Examples
Please read this example page below:
Reproduce results of at least two single classifiers, such as KNN and SVM
Investigate and reproduce results of at least two ensemble methods, such as Random Forest and boosting
Reproduce results of CNN and at least one of its variations.
(Optional) Investigate and reproduce results of two newer algorims, such xgboost and lightGBM.
Track the runtime for each algorithm you reproduce.
Write a result section to summarize your findings, with a result table.
4. Submission Guide
This is an team assignment.
Each team submits one file, lab_8_lastname.zip, including
lab_8_code.zip, file size maximum is 3M.
lab_8_Results.pdf. Your results for these two experiments.
5. Notes
Email 'xqu1@swarthmore.edu' your zip file for lab 8.
please get in touch with the instructor and the teaching assistant ASAP if you encounter programming difficulties.