CS 66 Lab 4

Due Monday, 09/26/2022, by midnight (23:59, EST)



The goals for this lab assignment are:

  • Understand Regression

  • Get familiar with the Diabetes dataset

  • Get familiar with the Final Paper format

  • Finalize your teammate selection

1. Supervised Learning (Three Hours)

  • User Guide

  • Locate the Diabetes dataset examples in section 1. Supervised learning

  • Compare and Summarize the different Diabetes dataset examples *

  • Write down you findings in the final paper format (AAAI)

2. Final Paper Format (Two Hours)

  • Overleaf

  • Link sharing, each team work on the same paper copy

  • Add the sections about regression to your existing lab 3 about classification

  • Page number, references, equations, tables and figures.

3. Finalize a teammate (One Hour)

  • Find your teammate for the labs, midterm and Final

  • Work together on this lab and so on

4. Submission Guide

  • Each student team only submits one file, lab_4_lastname1_lastname2.zip, including

    1. lab_4_lastname1_lastname2.pdf in AAAI format

    2. Select your favorite three Supervised Learning code examples using the Diabetes dataset, and explain why in your PDF

  • Start a shared Github project for your team, add your teammate, the instructor and TA

5. Notes

  • Email 'xqu1@swarthmore.edu' your zip file for lab 4, and cc your teammate.

  • Lab assignments will typically be released on Tuesday and will be due by midnight on the following Monday.