Run update35 to copy some useful files to
your cs35/labs/03 directory. You will not turn in any
code this week, and will instead turn in written solutions to the
box outside Ameet's office, SCI 253. Note that although your
solutions are written and not electronically submitted, the deadline
is still Wednesday night at 11:59 p.m. and late work will not be
Write solutions to the following problems:
Answer question R-4.7 from the book.
Show that 2n^4 + 3*lg n + 25n^3 is O(n^4)
Based on C-4.26 The image below shows an n by n grid that is stored in memory as a two dimensional array. The element at row i column j can be indexed in constant time using grid[i][j]. Each cell in the grid contains either a 1 or a 0 (indicated in the figure with green and white blocks). In any column, all the one's appear before any of the zeros. Given such a grid, design an O(n) algorithm for finding the column with the most ones (tallest green tower). Note there are O(n^2) cells, so you cannot check every cell in the grid.
- Prove the following claim using induction. Prove for all n>=1. Be sure to clearly
enumerate each step in your proof
- Describe an algorithm for finding both the minimum and maximum (simultaneously) of n numbers using fewer than 3n/2 comparisons. The following pseudocode finds the max using n-1 comparisons.
findMax(Array A, size n>0):
for i in 1 to n (inclusive)
if(A[i] > max)
return max
Give the best Big-O bounds on the runtime of the following functions. By
"best" Big-O bounds we mean the bounds that most-closely describe the actual
run time of the function. E.g., for a linear algorithm the best Big-O
bound is O(n), not O(n^2), even though linear algorithms are O(n^2) as well.
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
a = i
for(i=0; i<n; i+=2)
a = i
for(i=0; i<n*n; i++)
a = i
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
for(j=0; j<=i; j++)
a = i
for(i=0; i<n*n; i++)
for(j=0; j<=i; j++)
a = i
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
for(j=0; j<k; j++)
a = j
Experimentally measure algorithm performance:
Perform an experimental analysis that compares the relative
running times of the functions you considered in Ex1 through Ex6 above.
To run these experiments you will need to use different
sizes of n, depending on the example being tested. For fast
algorithms you will need to use very large n, starting with
100000 or 1 million. Slower algorithms might require you to test
with n as small as 10 or 100. When you implement the functions
above, we recommend that you use long integers instead of
ints. Like the long integers in Python, longs
in C++ can store larger numbers than ints. (Unlike the long
integers in Python, long integers in C++ are limited and can not
be arbitrarily large.)
After you run update35 your cs35/labs/03
directory will contain some helpful files:
- timer.h and Defines
a Timer class that works like a stop watch. With a Timer t
t.start() will start the timer and t.stop() will stop
the timer, allowing you to get the recorded time with
- demonstrates the use of the Timer
to measure the performance of an example function. The basic idea is,
for each input size you want to measure:
- Start the timer.
- Run the function you want to measure the performance of on a
single input size.
- Stop the timer.
- Print the input size and recorded time. also demonstrates some new C++ output formatting
options and how to use long integers in your example functions.
- ex4results.txt: A sample data file that can be used as
input to the pgraph program, which allows you to view your results
graphically. To see a graph of these example results, run:
$ pgraph ex4results.txt
in your terminal window.
When you create your own data files, please put your name(s) in the
graph title and label your data with appropriate names. When you run
pgraph you can save your results as a Postscript (.ps) file:
click the save icon (the floppy disk, on the bottom right), type a filename
(such as,
and select "Postscript (*.ps)" as the file type. You can then print your
results from your terminal window using the lpr command. For
$ lpr
Submitting your work
Hand in your work to the box outside Ameet's office by 11:59 p.m. Wednesday
night. Do not turn in any work with