Lab 5 Rubric Key

Note that the standard grade is an A (9.5). 10s are reserved for creative or remarkable solutions

  1. Program should have top-level comment (using block-style comments). Avoid line wraps by breaking comments up over multiple lines
  2. Program should post useful instructions to the user in the graphic window
  3. First click should determine y-coordinate of ground
  4. Second click should determine x-coordinate of snowman (ground should determine y-location but okay if not done)
  5. Third click determines x and y-coordinate of sun
  6. Final click exits program
  7. Sizes/locations should not be hardcoded - use variables and/or window height to allow code to be easily modified
  8. Snowman should have, at a minimum, three white circles and two black circles
  9. TIP: these assignments are designed with the hope of encouraging a certain degree of creativity. Have fun with your snowman!

  1. Program should have top-level comment (using block-style comments). Avoid line wraps by breaking comments up over multiple lines
  2. Program must utilize two different shapes
  3. Each shape must have a corresponding function for specifying how to draw it
  4. Functions must appropriate parameters/return values
  5. Sizes/locations should not be hardcoded - use variables and/or window height to allow code to be easily modified
  6. Shapes are drawn within the legal limit of the window
  7. Sizes are determined randomly
  8. Colors are picked with some randomness
  9. Program sleeps between drawing elements
  10. Program draws shapes until the user types 's'
  11. The program exits after the final user click
  12. Functions should have a block-style comment specifying purpose, parameter descriptions, and a description of the return value