In Class: Week 8 Tuesday
More Top-Down Design

Run update21:

$ update21
$ cd cs21/inclass/w08-search
$ ls


List of Lists

Lists store a sequence of any type. We have seen how we can store a list of strings, ints, and objects. We can also store lists in our list. Doing so requires that we closely examine we access and modify the list.
  1. In w08/, you will see a program similar to last week's example. Here, though, we want to accomplish three goals:

Top Down Design

Top Down Design is a problem solving technique where:
  1. Start with General Description of Problem
  2. Break it into several high-level steps
  3. Iteratively break the steps into smaller steps until you have steps that are easy to solve

In-class work

  1. Last week, we started working on the program to play Blackjack. Open up in your w07-design folder to review our design. Note that I have added a deck of cards to our design to make the problem more realistic
  2. To begin, we will analyze our first level of design and see which tasks need to be further broken down. This process of breaking subproblems into a set of even smaller subproblems is known as iterative refinement. Specifically, we will see how playUser() requires a function for flipping a single card as well as a function for getting a yes-or-no response from the user.

  3. Note that importance of prototyping our functions. It is import to be specific and document the purpose of each function as well as the parameters and return values so we clearly indicate how the function should be used.
  4. Together, we will begin implementation on the bottom-level functions. First, we will look at my implementation of generateDeck(). We will use the python interpretor to perform unit testing to notice that my implementation was no complete.

  5. On your own, work on implementing the getYesOrNo() function. When finished, let's try some unit testing on getYesOrNo() (see below).

Unit Testing

Unit testing is the process of validating functions as individual pieces, in isolation from other large portions of the program. This allows a developer to focus solely on the (small) subproblem at hand and think carefully about potential errors. To perform unit testing:

To use the python interpretor, add the following lines of code to the bottom of your program where main() is:
if __name__ = "__main__":

This allows python to import your program without running it. To do so, run python in interactive mode:

$ python
In interactive mode, use the command import to load your file.
>>>import blackjack
To test a function, say flipCard(), you can invoke your method:
in function flipCard()
The function flipCard was invoked. Any print statements are output to the screen. Finally, python will automatically output the return value, which was 5 in this case.

If you make changes to your program, you can reload your file in the python interpretor by calling the reload command:

Lastly, you can see your function prototypes and block comments using the help command: