Example of stubbed out functions

def printIntro():
    Returns: None
    Purpose: Print introductory text for the user.
    print("-> printIntro")

def rollOne():
    Returns: An integer representing the die value between 1 and 6.
    Purpose: Randomly roll one die.
    # will implement later using the random library
    # for now, just return a dummy/sample value
    print("-> rollOne")
    return 4

def rollDice(n):
    Inputs:  An integer, n, representing the number of dice to roll.
    Returns: A list of length n containing the results of rolling the dice.
    Purpose: Randomly roll n dice.
    # will call rollOne n times
    # for now, just return a dummy list of n integers
    print("-> rollDice")
    return [1] * n