Adventurer: Sample #2

Take your favorite CS professors on quests!

$ python3
Main Menu:
1. Report the status of the adventurers
2. Recruit a new adventurer
3. Take an adventurer on a quest
4. Feed an adventurer
5. Shop for an adventurer
6. Rest for the night
0. Quit

Enter selection: 3

No adventurers on your team. Try adding one!

Main Menu:
1. Report the status of the adventurers
2. Recruit a new adventurer
3. Take an adventurer on a quest
4. Feed an adventurer
5. Shop for an adventurer
6. Rest for the night
0. Quit

Enter selection: 4

No adventurers on your team. Try adding one!

Main Menu:
1. Report the status of the adventurers
2. Recruit a new adventurer
3. Take an adventurer on a quest
4. Feed an adventurer
5. Shop for an adventurer
6. Rest for the night
0. Quit

Enter selection: 5

No adventurers on your team. Try adding one!

Main Menu:
1. Report the status of the adventurers
2. Recruit a new adventurer
3. Take an adventurer on a quest
4. Feed an adventurer
5. Shop for an adventurer
6. Rest for the night
0. Quit

Enter selection: 6

No adventurers on your team. Try adding one!

Main Menu:
1. Report the status of the adventurers
2. Recruit a new adventurer
3. Take an adventurer on a quest
4. Feed an adventurer
5. Shop for an adventurer
6. Rest for the night
0. Quit

Enter selection: 7
Invalid selection, please try again.
Enter selection: -12
Invalid selection, please try again.
Enter selection: hello
Invalid selection, please try again.
Enter selection: 2
Adventurer's name: Rich
Favorite quest: doing crosswords
Favorite food: pizza
Favorite equipment: pens

Main Menu:
1. Report the status of the adventurers
2. Recruit a new adventurer
3. Take an adventurer on a quest
4. Feed an adventurer
5. Shop for an adventurer
6. Rest for the night
0. Quit

Enter selection: 2
Adventurer's name: Keith
Favorite quest: watching football
Favorite food: cheesesteaks
Favorite equipment: comfy chairs

Main Menu:
1. Report the status of the adventurers
2. Recruit a new adventurer
3. Take an adventurer on a quest
4. Feed an adventurer
5. Shop for an adventurer
6. Rest for the night
0. Quit

Enter selection: 2
Adventurer's name: Ben
Favorite quest: debugging labs
Favorite food: tacos
Favorite equipment: snakes

Main Menu:
1. Report the status of the adventurers
2. Recruit a new adventurer
3. Take an adventurer on a quest
4. Feed an adventurer
5. Shop for an adventurer
6. Rest for the night
0. Quit

Enter selection: 1
Rich is hungry, wants to be doing crosswords, and could use some pens.
Keith is hungry, wants to be watching football, and could use some comfy chairs.
Ben is hungry, wants to be debugging labs, and could use some snakes.

Main Menu:
1. Report the status of the adventurers
2. Recruit a new adventurer
3. Take an adventurer on a quest
4. Feed an adventurer
5. Shop for an adventurer
6. Rest for the night
0. Quit

Enter selection: 4
Here are the adventurers on your team:
1. Rich
2. Keith
3. Ben
Choose an adventurer: 2
Keith ate some cheesesteaks.

Main Menu:
1. Report the status of the adventurers
2. Recruit a new adventurer
3. Take an adventurer on a quest
4. Feed an adventurer
5. Shop for an adventurer
6. Rest for the night
0. Quit

Enter selection: 4
Here are the adventurers on your team:
1. Rich
2. Keith
3. Ben
Choose an adventurer: 2
Keith ate some cheesesteaks.

Main Menu:
1. Report the status of the adventurers
2. Recruit a new adventurer
3. Take an adventurer on a quest
4. Feed an adventurer
5. Shop for an adventurer
6. Rest for the night
0. Quit

Enter selection: 1
Rich is hungry, wants to be doing crosswords, and could use some pens.
Keith is over-fed, wants to be watching football, and could use some comfy chairs.
Ben is hungry, wants to be debugging labs, and could use some snakes.

Main Menu:
1. Report the status of the adventurers
2. Recruit a new adventurer
3. Take an adventurer on a quest
4. Feed an adventurer
5. Shop for an adventurer
6. Rest for the night
0. Quit

Enter selection: 3
Here are the adventurers on your team:
1. Rich
2. Keith
3. Ben
Choose an adventurer: 2
Keith is watching football!!

Main Menu:
1. Report the status of the adventurers
2. Recruit a new adventurer
3. Take an adventurer on a quest
4. Feed an adventurer
5. Shop for an adventurer
6. Rest for the night
0. Quit

Enter selection: 1
Rich is hungry, wants to be doing crosswords, and could use some pens.
Keith is well-fed, contented, and could use some comfy chairs.
Ben is hungry, wants to be debugging labs, and could use some snakes.

Main Menu:
1. Report the status of the adventurers
2. Recruit a new adventurer
3. Take an adventurer on a quest
4. Feed an adventurer
5. Shop for an adventurer
6. Rest for the night
0. Quit

Enter selection: 5
Here are the adventurers on your team:
1. Rich
2. Keith
3. Ben
Choose an adventurer: 5
Invalid selection, please try again.
Choose an adventurer: Ben
Invalid selection, please try again.
Choose an adventurer: 3
Ben bought snakes.

Main Menu:
1. Report the status of the adventurers
2. Recruit a new adventurer
3. Take an adventurer on a quest
4. Feed an adventurer
5. Shop for an adventurer
6. Rest for the night
0. Quit

Enter selection: 1
Rich is hungry, wants to be doing crosswords, and could use some pens.
Keith is well-fed, contented, and could use some comfy chairs.
Ben is hungry, wants to be debugging labs, and has some snakes.

Main Menu:
1. Report the status of the adventurers
2. Recruit a new adventurer
3. Take an adventurer on a quest
4. Feed an adventurer
5. Shop for an adventurer
6. Rest for the night
0. Quit

Enter selection: 0
