Food Access Search Example

This example shows several searches by county name.

$ python3
Please select one of the following choices:
1. Search by county
2. Search by state
3. Search by population
0. Quit

Enter selection: 1
County name (or prefix)? Baltimore City

|          County |        State |Total Pop| LFA Pop| Income | Senior | Vehicle|
|  Baltimore city |     Maryland |  620961 |  28080 |  11247 |   3378 |   2867 |

Please select one of the following choices:
1. Search by county
2. Search by state
3. Search by population
0. Quit

Enter selection: 1
County name (or prefix)? Delaware

|          County |        State |Total Pop| LFA Pop| Income | Senior | Vehicle|
| Delaware County |     Oklahoma |   41487 |  34896 |  16200 |   7101 |    562 |
| Delaware County |         Ohio |  174214 | 116936 |  13055 |  10244 |    920 |
| Delaware County |     New York |   47980 |  33740 |  10782 |   6824 |    772 |
| Delaware County |         Iowa |   17764 |  13444 |   3155 |   2109 |    127 |
| Delaware County |      Indiana |  117671 |  65398 |  22348 |  10737 |   1742 |
| Delaware County | Pennsylvania |  558979 |  91418 |  13478 |  14085 |   1903 |

Please select one of the following choices:
1. Search by county
2. Search by state
3. Search by population
0. Quit

Enter selection: 1
County name (or prefix)? Swarthmore

No records found

Please select one of the following choices:
1. Search by county
2. Search by state
3. Search by population
0. Quit

Enter selection: 0
