Lab 08

Due 11:59am Monday November 12, 2018


In this week’s lab, you’ll read some papers related to the Hyperpartisan News task. You’ll also implement (and analyze) one or more extensions to your Hyperpartisan News classifier from Lab 7.

There is no new starter code for this week’s assignment, but you should copy over your code from last week. (If you switched partners between Lab 7 and Lab 8, you should start by deciding whose code to use as your starting point.)


Before beginning your readings for the week, be sure to read How to Read a Paper if you haven’t already read it.

Each person in your group should read these papers:

If you are working alone, you must read one of the papers below. If you aren’t working alone, you should divide up reading both of these:


In a file called, write a one-paragraph summary of each of the articles above.

Classifier Extension(s)

Based on the readings, choose one or more extensions to add to your Hyperpartisan News prediction system from Lab 7. At least one extension must come from an idea you got by reading one of the papers.

When describing your performance, you should run your experiment in two ways:

In your

If the extension you added didn’t take you much time at all to do, add more extensions. If the extension you added was quite substantial, you’re welcome to just do one.