Computer Graphics Spring '99 - Portfolio

Purple Cows
This image was created by taking an image of cows and changing the intensity of all of the black pixels to purple.

This image was created by drawing a striped background and then taking an image of a fern and changing all of the pixels in the striped background to white that corresponded to the pixels with a high green intensity in the fern picture.

Room of String
This image was created by drawing lines between random points and generating random colors for each line.

Exponential Tunnel
This image was created using lines and the exponential tunnel algorithm found in The Pattern Book: Fractals, Art and Nature edited by Clifford Pickover [page 90].

Red Curtain
This image was created using lines and varying in the intensity to create a shading effect.

Sierpinski's Triangle
This image was created by using the scanline fill algorithm to draw a filled red triangle. Then a 3-triangle function was called that draws an inverted filled black triangle in the center of the triangle and recursively calls itself on the 3 new red triangles that now surround the inverted black one.

Lissajous Figures
These images were created by using the Embellished Lissajous Figures algorithm found in The Pattern Book [page 183] with circles, filled circles and ellipses.

Ikeda Lightning
This image was created by making four copies of an ikeda attractor with varied pixel colors, rotating the images and placing them on top of an image of lightning.

Mandelbrot Set
These are two examples of Mandelbrot Set images.

Julia Set
These are two examples of Julia Set images.

These are two attractor images created with open GL.

Enterprise attack
This image was created using the hierarchical modeling system.

Click here to see animations and descriptions!

These images were created using illumination models.