You submit your programs to condor, and then condor finds idle machines in the network on which to run these programs. Condor will suspend jobs and move them to other idle machines if a user logs into and starts using the current machine on which a condor job is running. When you use condor you get the advantage of being able to use any unused compute cycles in the network. Also, by using condor you can ensure that your massive compute job doesn't interfere with others being able to use the CS lab machines.
Currently, condor is running only on the HP machines in the lab. I'd recommend logging into one of these, and then running screen to submit jobs to condor. screen will let you detach from a session and re-attach later, so that you can logout of the hp machine while your really long set of experiments run (this way you do not have to stay logged into a machine, preventing others from using it, and you do not have to risk having someone log you out before your jobs are complete). See the CS project etiquette page for more information about using screen.
To use condor:
% condor_status # to see the pool or % condor_status -master # to just get the machine names # there are some examples to try in /scratch/knerr/condor # here's the job file for the shell script: LEMON[condor]$ cat submit.prog Universe = vanilla Executable = Arguments = 8 Log = aaa.log Output = aaa.$(Process).out Error = aaa.$(Process).error InitialDir = /scratch/knerr/condor Requirements = Memory >= 600 Queue 10 # This just ran " 8" on 10 machines. You could also use # "Input = in.$(Process)" to have different input files for each process. # to run: % condor_submit jobfile # then wait a bit % condor_q to # to see the condor queue % condor_rm # to delete jobs from the queue