-o opt_arg -o ...Many unix commands use this syntax, for example this command runs ls with -l (long listing) and -a (include dot files) options:
ls -l -aA example command line in this syntax with some command line options that take arguments, might look like this:
./a.out -f infile.txt -t -p 100In this example, the a.out takes three command line options, -f -t and -p, where -f is a command line option that takes an argument (infile.txt), and -p is an option with an argument (100).
The getopt function takes the argc and argv command line arguments, and an optstring that encodes information about the set of command line options:
int getopt(int argc, char * const argv[], const char *optstring);It is typically called inside a loop, each call returns the value of the next command line option in argv it parses. The loop exits when getopts returns -1, indicating that there are no more
For example, a call to getopt might look like this:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int opt; while(1) { opt = getopt(argc, argv, "tpf:"); // the : after the option in the optstring argument means the option // takes an arg (":tpf:" means t and p do not take arguments, and f does) if(opt == -1) { break; // no more command line arguments to parse, break out of while loop } // ... some code to handle the current option ... } // end whileThe getopt function returns the char value of the that correspond to the option (e.g. 't' for -t command line option), or -1 if there is nothing left to parse. See the man page for other return values. When it parses command line options that take argument values, it also sets optarg to the point to the argument (as a char * type). For example, if it is currently parsing the -f commad line option in the example above, a call to getop will return the char value `f` (its ascii value) and set optarg to point to the string "infile.txt".
the man page for getopt has an example (man 3 getopt).
cp -r ~newhall/public/getopts_example .This is a full listing of that program. See the process_args function for the bulk of the example, but note the types of paramters (and the arguments passed to it from main) and how parameters are set when different command line options with arguments are parsed by getopt based on their types. It shows one way of handling shows one way of handling required command line options with extra state variables to flag when an option has be parsed):
/* Example of parsing command line options using getopt * * see the process_args function for the core of the example. * * Try running this will different command line options in different * orders and see what happens. * Try: ./testopts * Try: ./testopts -p 1234 * Try: ./testopts -p hello -c * Try: ./testopts -c -f input.txt -p 6457 * Try: ./testopts -c -f -p 6457 * Try: ./testopts -q -c -p 6457 * (newhall, 2016) */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> void usage(void); void process_args(int ac, char *av[], char **port_num, char *collector_only, char **config_file, int *sleep_secs); /**********************************************************/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char collector =0; int secs =5; char *filename = NULL; char * port = NULL; process_args(argc, argv, &port, &collector, &filename, &secs); printf("\n Arg values: -p %s -n %d ", port, secs); if(collector) { printf("-c "); } if(filename) { printf("-f %s\n", filename); } printf("\n"); return 0; } /**********************************************************/ // prints out error message when user tries to run with bad command line args or // when user runs with the -h command line arg void usage(void){ fprintf(stderr, " usage:\n" " ./server -p portnum [-h] [-c] [-f configfile] [-n secs]\n" " -p portnum: use portnum as the listen port for server\n" " -h: print out this help message\n" " -c: run this server deamon in collector-only mode\n" " -f conf_file: run w/conf_file instead of /etc/server.config\n" " -n secs: how often damon sends its info to peers (default 5)\n" "\n"); } /**********************************************************/ // parse command line arguments using getopt. // // most parameters are C style pass-by-pointer that this // function may set if an argument is in the command line // // ac: argc value passed into main // av: argv value passed into main // port_num: set to -p num value // (note: this is a char * passed by referece) // collector_only: set to 1 if -c option // config_file: set to point to string name of config file for -f option // (note: this is a char * passed by referece) // sleep_secs: set to -n val // // this function may set the value of some of its agruments, based // on the particular command line // void process_args(int ac, char *av[], char **port_num, char *collector_only, char **config_file, int *sleep_secs) { int c, p=0; // p is a flag that we set if we get the -p command line option while(1){ // "p:" means -p option has an arg "c" -c does not // in this examle -p, -f and -n have arguments, -c and -h do not c = getopt(ac, av, "p:chf:n:"); if( c == -1) { break; // nothing left to parse in the command line } switch(c) { // switch stmt can be used in place of some chaining if-else if case 'h': usage(); exit(0); break; // break out of switch stmt case 'p': *port_num = optarg; p = 1; break; case 'c': *collector_only = 1; break; case 'f': *config_file = optarg; break; case 'n': *sleep_secs = atoi(optarg); // atoi converts a string to an int if(*sleep_secs <= 0){ // (ex) atoi("1234") to int 1234 *sleep_secs = 5; } break; case ':': fprintf(stderr, "\n Error -%c missing arg\n", optopt); usage(); exit(1); break; case '?': fprintf(stderr, "\n Error unknown arg -%c\n", optopt); usage(); exit(1); break; default: printf("optopt: %c\n", optopt); } } if(!p) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: testopts must be run with command line option -p\n"); usage(); exit(1); } }Some example command lines for this program are:
$ ./a.out -p 1234 -c $ ./a.out -p 1234 -n 20 -f infile.conf $ ./a.out -n 20 -c -p 1234
One very nice feature of readline is that it mallocs up the space for the returned string. Thus, a program can easily support reading in any sized user input string by simply calling readline. Thus, even if you don't care about any of the line editing features of readline, it is still a handy way to read in user input.
To use readline, you need to include readline header files and explicitly link with the readline library:
$ gcc -o myprog myprog.c -lreadline
Here is a very simple example program:
#include<stdlib.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<readline/readline.h> #include<readline/history.h> int main(){ char* line; line = readline("enter a string: "); // readline allocates space for returned string if(line != NULL) { printf("You entered: %s\n", line); free(line); // but you are responsible for freeing the space } }As you run this, type in a line and before you hit ENTER try some of these commands to change the input string:
CNTRL-a move curser to begining of input string CNTRL-e move curser to end of input string CNTRL-b move curser back one character CNTRL-f move curser forward one character CNTRL-d delete the character under the curser CNTRL-k kill the string from the curser to the end of the line CNTRL-l clear the screen and re-print the prompt and input string at the top
\e[attribute code;text color code;background color codemThe values for these are:
Attribute codes: ---------------- 0=none 1=bold 4=underscore 5=blink 7=reverse 8=concealed Text color codes: ----------------- 30=black 31=red 32=green 33=yellow 34=blue 35=magenta 36=cyan 37=white Background color codes: ---------------------- 40=black 41=red 42=green 43=yellow 44=blue 45=magenta 46=cyan 47=whiteThe effect is ended by specifying:
\e[0mFor example, to print out the string Hello in red:
printf("\e[0;31mHello\e[0m");For example, to print out the string Hello in bold blue:
See the man page for ncurses for more information. Also, here is an ncurses HOWTO
To use ncurses library in your program, you need to include the ncurses.h header file, and link in the ncurses library:
gcc -o myprog myprog.c -lncursesHere is a very simple example of printing to the terminal using different colors:
#include <ncurses.h> int main(){ initscr(); // initialize the ternimal in curses mode start_color(); // start color mode init_pair(1, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLUE); // define a forground, background pair attron(COLOR_PAIR(1)); // enable for/back ground color to use printw("Hello World\n"); // print string to curses window attroff(COLOR_PAIR(1)); refresh(); // forces printw output to curses window getch(); // just wait for user input init_pair(2, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_MAGENTA); // another for/background pair attron(COLOR_PAIR(2)); // enable for/back ground color to pair # 2 printw("Hello World\n"); // print string to curses window attroff(COLOR_PAIR(2)); refresh(); // forces printw output to curses window getch(); // just wait for user input printw("Hello World\n"); // print using default for/backround colors refresh(); // forces printw output to curses window getch(); // just wait for user input endwin(); // end curses mode }Here are some reference: