You will complete this lab with your lab 3 partner.
Project Introduction
For this assignment you and your partner will implement a forest fire
simulator in CUDA. Your program will make use of a simple GPU
animation library that will animate your fire simulation as it
runs on the GPU.
Getting Started
Programming in CUDA
Project Details
Input File Format
Project Requirements
Useful Functions and Resources
Submission and Demo
Ideas for Extra Extensions
Lab 3 Starting Point Repo
Both you and your partner should cd into your labs subdir:
cd cs87/labs
- Get your LabO3 ssh-URL from the GitHub server for our class:
- On the CS system, cd into your cs87/labs subdirectory
- Clone a local copy of your shared repo in your private
cs87/labs subdirectory:
git clone [your_Lab03]
Then cd into your Lab03-you-partner subdirectory.
If all was successful, you should see the following files when you run ls
(plus some inputfile.txt files):
Makefile colors.h firesimulator.h
README.adoc main.cpp
If this didn't work, or for more detailed instructions on git see:
Using Git page (follow the instructions for repos on Swarthmore's GitHub Enterprise server).
Read the README.adoc for information about these files,
and which code you do and do not need to modify
CUDA Programming
Environment Variables
First, check your environment variables to see if you have
PATH defined correctly:
echo $CUDA_HOME # should be set to /usr/local/cuda-10.2
echo $PATH # should contain /usr/local/cuda-10.2/bin
If you do not have these environment variable defined, then it is likely
that you will have no trouble compiling CUDA code on our system.
However, if you have it defined to a version that is different than 10.2, or if
you are not able to get cuda programs to compile on our system, then try
setting the following environment variables to compile cuda code (you can enter
these at the shell prompt or add these to the bottom of your ~/.bashrc file):
# cuda:
export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda-10.2
export PATH=${CUDA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
Each time you create a new linux shell, it will evaluate your .bashrc file
on start-up and set these environment variables. In terminals you started
before you added these to your .bashrc file, you can run
source ~/.bashrc to update the shell's environment variables
with these changes.
Try out some examples
I suggest starting by looking at the
example CUDA programs we looked at
in lab on Thursday. Your solution will use ParaVis library to
visualize the computation on the GPU.
The userKernelBuffer example
will be very helpful for main control flow and example image buffer
You can copy over the example code from here:
cp -r ~newhall/public/cs87/cuda_examples .
See the
Useful Resources section below for other
CUDA examples and resources.
The last example, that uses ParaVis has the main structure your fire
simulator program will follow.
The Programming Model in CUDA
The CUDA programming model consists of a global shared memory and
a set of multi-thread blocks that run in parallel. CUDA has very limited
support for synchronization (only threads in the same
thread block can synchronize their actions). As a result, CUDA programs
are often written as purely parallel CUDA kernels that are run on the
GPU, where code running on the CPU implements the synchronization steps:
CUDA programs often have alternating steps of parallel execution on the
GPU and sequential on the CPU.
A typical CUDA program may look like:
- The initialization phase and GPU memory allocation and copy phase:
CUDA memory allocated is allocated on the GPU by calling
cudaMalloc. Often program data are initialized on the CPU
in a CPU-side copy of the data in RAM, and then copied to the GPU
using cudaMemcpy.
GPU data can also be initialized on the GPU using a CUDA kernel, and
then the cudaMemcpy does not need to be done. For example, initializing
all elements in an array to 0 can be done very efficiently on the GPU.
- A main computation phase, that consists of one or more calls
to cuda kernel functions. This could be a loop run on the CPU
that makes calls to one or more CUDA kernels to perform sub-steps of the
larger computation.
Because there is almost no support for GPU thread synchronization,
CUDA kernels usually implement the parallel parts of the computation and
the CPU side the synchronization events.
An embarrassingly parallel application could run as a single CUDA kernel
- There may be a sequential output phase where data are copied from
the GPU to the CPU, using cudaMemcpy, and output in some
- A clean-up phase where CUDA and CPU memory is freed. cudaFree is
used to free GPU memory allocated with cudaMalloc. Be sure to
call cudaFree in any error handling code that cleans-up state and exits.
In CUDA, parallelism is expressed in terms of a number of multi-threaded
parallel blocks running on the GPU.
The programmer explicitly maps parallelism in terms
of blocks and threads onto portions of the GPU data that each thread will
access "simultaneously" in parallel.
All array data in CUDA (on the GPU) are single-dimensional. However, the
blocks and threads specification can be structured multi-dimensionally to
better match the programmer's view of his/her program. For example, for
programs that process 2-D arrays, the CUDA programmer often specifies a
2-D layout of blocks where a block's 2-D x, y position may better map onto the
programmer's view of the data. This is not to say that there is always a
1-1 mapping of blocks and threads to underlying data elements. There are
limits to the sizes of blocks and threads per block, which mean that for
larger data, a single thread must access a range of the underlying array.
GPU functions in CUDA
__global__ functions are CUDA kernel functions: functions that are called
from the CPU and run on the GPU. They are invoked using this syntax:
my_kernel_func<<< blocks, threads >>>(args ...);
__device__ functions are those that can be called only from other
__device__ functions or from
__global__ functions. They are
for good modular code design of the GPU-side code. They are called using a
similar syntax as any C function call. For example:
__global__ my_kernel_function(int a, int *dev_array) {
// note: this is not an example of how you will
// compute offset for your fire simulator (it is
// an offset for a 1D grid of 1D blocks of 1D of threads)
int offset = blockIdx.x + blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int max = findmax(a, dev_array[offset]);
__device__ findmax(int a, int b) {
if(a > b) {
return a;
return b;
Memory in CUDA
GPU memory needs to be explicitly allocated (cudaMalloc), if initial
values for data are on CPU, then these need to be copied to
GPU side data (cudaMemcpy), and explicitly freed (cudaFree).
When you program in CUDA you need to think carefully about what is
running on the CPU on data stored in RAM, and what is running on the
GPU on data stored on the GPU. Memory allocated on the GPU (via
cudaMalloc) stays on the GPU between kernel calls. If the CPU wants
intermediate or final results, they have to be explicitly copied from
the GPU to CPU.
In CUDA all arrays are 1-dimensional, so each parallel thread's location
in the multi-dimensional thread blocks specifying the parallelism, needs
to be explicitly mapped onto offsets into CUDA 1-dimensional arrays.
Often times there is not a perfect 1-1 thread to data mapping and the
programmer needs to handle this case to not try to access invalid
memory locations beyond the bounds of an array (when there are more
threads than data elements), or to ensure that every data element
is processed (when there are fewer threads than data elements).
For this lab, if you use a 2D layout of blocks, then you can assume that
there are enough GPU threads to have 1 thread associated with each cell in
a 512x512 world (and you will likely want use 2D layout of
threads in blocks too). There are also enough for a 800x800 world if you
want to increase the N dimension and simulate larger worlds.
Fire Simulator Lab Details
You will implement a discrete event fire simulator in CUDA. The discrete event
simulation is the same technique used in GOL, and thus the firesimulator will
be structured similarly to GOL (a sequential non-torus version). As
a result, you can focus more on the CUDA implementation parts for this lab
and less on the discrete event simulation, which you know how to do.
The forest fire simulator is a discrete event simulator of a 2-dimensional
non-tours world, where each cell is either:
- part of a LAKE
- part of a forest that is UNBURNED
- part of a forest that is BURNING
- part of a forest that has already BURNED
In addition to a cell being in one of these different states, also
associated with each cell is its temperature. A cell's temperature
range depends on its state:
- 60 degrees for UNBURNED forest cells
- 300 to 1000 to 60 for a BURNING forest cell. A burning cell goes
through increasing and decreasing temperatures phases. It starts at the
ignition temperature of 300 degrees and increase up to a max of 1000 degrees.
Once it reaches 1000 degrees its temperature starts decreasing back down to 60
degrees, at which point it becomes BURNED.
- X degrees for a BURNED cell: you can pick a temperature, but pick one that
no UNBURNED or BURNING forest cell can ever be.
- Y degrees for a LAKE cell: you can pick a temperature, but pick one that
no forest cell can be.
define and use constants for these and for sizes in your solution
- Your simulator should take the following command line arguments (all
are optional arguments):
./firesimulator {-i iters -d step -p prob | -f filename}
-i iters number of iterations to run
-d step rate at which a burning cell's temp increases or decrease each step
-p prob probability a cell will catch fire if one of its neighbors is burning
-f filename read in configuration info from a file
Your program should using default values for any of values not given
as command line arguments. Use 1,000 iterations, a step size of 20,
and a probability of 0.25 as the default values.
Options -i, -d and -p are not compatible with -f. The file format is
discussed below (see input file format).
Initialize your world to some default configuration (unless the -f command
line is given, in which case initialize from setting read in from file).
Your default configuration should start a fire in the center of the world
(just a single a lightning strike). It should also contain
a couple lakes (contiguous regions of some size of lake cells).
- At each time step, a cell's state and/or temperature may change according
to these rules:
- if a cell is a LAKE, it stays a LAKE
- if a cell is BURNED, it stays BURNED forever
- if a cell is UNBURNED, then it either starts on fire or stays UNBURNED.
To decide if an UNBURNED cell starts on fire:
- look at the the state of its immediate neighbors to the north,
south, east and west. The world is not a torus, so each cell has
up to 4 neighbors, edge cells have only 2 or 3 neighbors.
- if at least one neighboring cell is on fire, then the cell
will catch fire with a probability passed in on the command line
(or use 10% as the default probability).
if an UNBURNED cell changes state to BURNED, its new temperature jumps
to 300 degrees F and its temperature will start increasing.
- if a cell is BURNING, then it burns at a constant rate for some number
of time steps. However, its temperature first increases from 300 (the
fire igniting temp) up to 1000 degrees, and then it decreases from 1000 back
down to 60 degrees, at which point it becomes a BURNED cell.
The rate at which its temperature increases or decreases is given by a
command line argument -d, or use a default value of 20.
A BURNING cell's state may change based on its new temperature:
if its new temperature is <= 60, then this
cell is now done burning and its state is now BURNED. Its temperature
is set to the BURNED temperature value that you use.
- After simulating the given number of steps your program should print
out the cumulative GPU run time and exit.
Here are a few screen shots of a run: ./firesimulator -i 2000 -p 0.05 -d 20,
showing a fire starting in the center and spreading to neighboring forest
cells over time. In my simulator, unburned forest cells are green, burning
forest cells are red, burned forest cells are black, and lake cells are blue
and note that my very rectangular lakes do not burn
Note: the ParaVis graphics display has
point (0,0) in the lower left corner vs. your view of your program
data where (0,0) is in the upper left corner, so the world
looks rotated over a mid x-axis from the Cuda view. You can rotate
it or not to match in your solution.
Input file format
If run with an input file (the -f command line option), the program
configuration values are all read in from the file. The file's format
should be:
line 1: number of iterations
line 2: step size
line 3: probability
line 4: the lightning strike cell (its (i,j) coordinates)
line 5: number of lakes
line 6-numlakes+6: lines of (i,j) coordinate pairs of the upper
left corner and lower right corner of each rectangular lake
The lake coordinates are given in terms of the 2-D array of cell values that
you initialize on the CPU. All cells specified in that rectangle should be
lake cells, all others should be forest cells.
For example:
250 400
20 30 50 70
100 60 120 110
This will run a simulation for 800 iterations, with a temperature step size
of a 40 degree increase or decrease, and with a probability of 30%. It will
start with an initial world containing 2 lakes one with upper left corner
at (20,30) and lower right at (50,70), the other with upper left corner
at (100,60) and lower right at (120, 110).
All other cells will be
UNBURNED forest cells, except cell (250,400) which will start as
BURNING. It is fine if the lakes overlap; the lakes in the world from my
example simulation would look less rectangular if I overlapped several
lake rectangles.
Project Requirements
- The size of the 2D world grid should be compiled into your
program (see the constant definition for N (and use constants)).
You do not need to dynamically allocate space for
the CPU-side grid to initialize (although you may). Instead,
just statically declared 2 dimensional
array of NxN values on the CPU side that you use
to initialize to the starting point values for your fire simulator.
There is a comment at the top of the about
this. Your program will init the world in CPU memory, and then
allocate cudaMemory for simulation state and copy the inited
world state from CPU to CUDA memory.
Define and use constants for the dimension of the world N
(512) so that you can easily try other sizes
- The 2D forest you are simulating is NOT a torus; there is no
wrap-around for neighbors on edge points.
- Each cell's value changes based on its current state, and
possibly the state of its up to 4 neighboring cells
(north, south, east, and west).
- Your program should take optional command line arguments for
the number of iterations to run the simulation, the probability a
cell catches fire if one or more of its neighbors are on fires, and
the rate at which a cell on fire's temperature increases or decreases
each time-step. For example, to run for 800 time steps, using
a probability of 20% and a temperature step of 50 do:
./firesimulator -i 800 -p 0.2 -d 50
Because all of these arguments are optional, you should use default
values of 1000 time steps, 25%, and 20 degrees for these values.
Some of these are already defined as constants for you in
- Your program should also support an optional command line argument for
reading in world configuration information from a file (-f is not
compatible with -i, -p or -d).
./firesimulator -f infile
- Your program should contain timers to time the GPU parts of the
computation and output the total time after all iterations have been
- At each step, you should color the display pixels based on each
cell's state (or temperature). I'd recommend starting with something
simple like green for UNBURNED, red for BURNING, black for BURNED, and
blue for LAKE. You are welcome to try something more complicated based
on actual temperature, but this is not required.
- After the specified number of iterations your program should
print out the total CUDA kernel time, and should exit (just call
- You must use a 2-D grid of blocks layout on the GPU to match
the 2-D array that is being modeled:
dim3 blocks(D, D, 1);
note: A 1-D grid of 512x512 blocks is too big for
some of our graphics cards. If you don't use a 2-D grid, you
program will not work and you will see some very strange behavior.
To see the graphics card specs our machines look at
lab machine specs.
- You should run your kernels as DxD blocks, and each block
should have some number of threads:
dim3 blocks_grid(D,D,1); // a 2D array of blocks makes most sense here
// D should be a value determined by N and
// the number of threads per block or per block dim
dim3 threads_block(x,y,z); // you decide, but do more than (1,1,1)
// likey want 2D, (T,T,1), to map to 2D blocks
my_kernel_func<<< blocks_grid, threads_block >>>(args ...);
You can define the block size (see its constant def BLOCK_SIZE) to be an
even multiple of the grid size (N).
- Your program should use ParaVis to visualize its simulation
as it runs on the GPU. See the example program from Thursday's lab for
an example: here.
The starting point code includes the scaffolding for this:
- main.cpp contains the main control flow code you
need for a ParaVis program (see the comments and TODOs for parts you
can change if you want and parts you should be aware of when you implement
the constructor).
need to add).
- firesimulator.[h,cu] include the starts of the
class you need to define that inherits from Animator. See TODOs in
this file for what to add where. You will want to add to the class
definition in .h, but most of the code you will write and modify is
in the .cu file.
I have a lot of TODO comments in here for
you, with starts of some of the method functions and cuda kernel functions
you will need to write. You should define and use more constants, you
should define and use more functions (method, C, and CUDA __device__) for
good modular design.
Useful Functions and Resources
- Using getopts libary for command line parsing.
- My C Lang References and links.
- Nvidia's Cuda Developer Documentation there is a CUDA C Programming Guide off this page
- Nvidia's Parallel Forall Developer's Blog
- [Chapt 11.1] Cuda from Dive into Systems.
- Read about CUDA programming. We have a copy of "CUDA by Example"
in the main lab, which is an excellent reference.
- You can look over and try running the CUDA 10.2 example programs
located here:
Just cd into subdirectories here, look at the code and
try running the binaries to see what they do. Some of these examples use
features of CUDA that you are well beyond what you need to use in this
lab, so don't get too bogged down in slogging through them.
- Information about how to use ParaVis, to simultaneously visualize your
fire simulator as it runs is described in the comments in the
library .h files (open .h files in vim or other editor):
and in the userKernelBuffer
example CUDA programs we looked at
in lab on Thursday, and that you can copy over from here:
cp -r ~newhall/public/cs87/cuda_examples .
- color3 pixel coloring:
The image buffer should be a 2D array of color3 pixels, one element
for each corresponding element in the fire grid. To set a color3 to
a specific value, set its r,g,b, components to a value between 0 and 255:
imagebuff[index].r = 255; // set to orange
imagebuff[index].g = 128;
imagebuff[index].b = 0;
Or, you can do it in a single C statement like this:
imagebuff[offset] = {255, 128, 0}; // set to orange
Here are rgb values of a few different colors:
Black: { 0, 0, 0 } Red: { 255, 0, 0 } Orange: { 255, 128, 0 }
Yellow: { 255, 255, 0 } Green: { 0, 255, 0 } Blue: { 0, 0, 255}
Purple { 128, 0, 255 } White: { 255, 255, 255} Pink { 255, 0, 128 }
Teal: { 50, 255, 255 } Brown: { 100, 50, 0 }
- lab machine graphics card specs
- run deviceQuery to get CUDA stats about a GPU on
particular machine. It will list the limits on block and thread
size, and the GPU memory size among other information.
- timing CUDA code: to time the GPU part of your program's
execution, you need to create start and stop variables of type
cudaEvent_t, start them, stop them, and compute the elapsed time
using their values. To do this you will need to use functions
cudaEventCreate, cudaEventRecord,
cudaEventSynchronize, cudaEventElapsedTime, and cudaEventDestroy. Here is a simple example of timing one kernel call to simplekernel:
float amt;
cudaEvent_t e1, e2;
/* create cuda events */
/* record events around a kernel call */
cudaEventRecord(e1, 0);
simplekernel<<< ...
cudaEventRecord(e2, 0);
/* wait for the e2 event to complete */
/* now compute the time between the two events */
cudaEventElapsedTime(&amt, e1, e2);
- Random numbers in CUDA
Random number generators are inherently sequential: they generate
a sequence of pseudo random values. It is much more complicated
to generate pseudo random sequences in parallel.
Depending on how your program wants to use random values, you may need
to create separate random state for each thread that each thread
uses to generate its own random sequence. Seeding each thread's
state differently will ensure that threads are not generating identical
random sequences.
The cuRAND library provides an interface for initializing random
number generator state, and using that state to generate random number
sequences. You will need to use random numbers to calculate the chance
that a cell will catch fire if one or more of its neighbors is on fire.
The following are the steps necessary for using
cuRAND to generate random numbers in your program
(Note: most of the code you need is already
included in the lab starting point, but read through this so you
know what to add):
- include curand headers
#include <curand_kernel.h>
#include <curand.h>
- allocate curandState for every CUDA thread:
curandState *dev_random;
sizeof(curandState)*N*N), "malloc dev_random") ;
- write a CUDA kernel to initialize the random state (each thread will
initialize its own state on the GPU):
// CUDA kernel to initialize NxN array of curandState, each
// thread will use its own curandState to generate its own
// random number sequence
__global__ void init_rand(curandState *rand_state) {
int row, col, offset;
row = blockIdx.x;
col = blockIdx.y;
offset = col + row*gridDim.x;
if(row < N && col < N) {
curand_init(hash(offset), 0, 0, &(rand_state[offset]));
// a hash function for 32 bit ints
// (from
__device__ unsigned int hash(unsigned int a) {
a = (a+0x7ed55d16) + (a<<12);
a = (a^0xc761c23c) ^ (a>>19);
a = (a+0x165667b1) + (a<<5);
a = (a+0xd3a2646c) ^ (a<<9);
a = (a+0xfd7046c5) + (a<<3);
a = (a^0xb55a4f09) ^ (a>>16);
return a;
- Call init_rand before calling any cuRAND library functions that
use curandState:
// this example is invoking it with 1 thread per block:
- Now CUDA threads can generate random numbers on the GPU using there
own initialized state:
__global__ void use_rand_kernel(curandState *rand_state, float prob){
int offset = ... // compute offset base on this thread's position
// in the parallelization
// get a random value uniformly distributed between 0.0 and 1.0
val = curand_uniform(&(rand_state[offset]));
For more information, see:
cuRAND Library documentation
(cuRAND User's Guide)
- you can add simple debug printf statements to cuda kernels. Printf output from
a kernel call is buffered in a circular buffer and passed to the host at the end of
the kernel call. If there is too much ouput in one kernel call, it will overwrite some
of its previous output in the circular buffer (so be aware of this if you see
"missing output"). If you add debugging output in a kernel, I recommend you limit the
amount by changing the problem size (make N smaller) and/or only having some threads
execute the printf (put printf inside if stmt).
For compiling the firesimulator you will need its to include its full
compilation command, including linking the ParaVis library. As a result,
it may be easiest to add a new compilation target for this build in your
- nvidia-smi shows gpu storage and usage information (it is sort of like
top). You
can run it with watch to display every few seconds:
# run nvidia-smi every 2 seconds
watch -n 2 nvidia-smi
- cuda-memcheck is like valgrind for gpu memory
Submit and Demo
Before the Due Date,
one of you or your partner should push
your solution to github from one of your local repos to the GitHub
remote repo. (it doesn't hurt if you both push, but the last
pushed version before the due date is the one I will grade, so be
careful that you are pushing the version you want to submit for grading):
From one of your local repos (in your ~you/cs87/labs/Lab03-partner1-partner2 subdirectory)
git firesimulator.h main.cpp
git commit
git push
If you have git problems, take a look at the "Troubleshooting" section of the
Using Git
You and your partner will sign up for a 15 minute demo slot
to demo your fire simulator. Sign-up here:
demo sign-up (TBD).
Think about, and practice,
different scenarios to demonstrate both correctness and error handling.
These parts are not required, and
do not try any of these until you have
all the required functionality implemented and tested.
If you implement some extensions to the basic simulator, please do so
in a separate .cu file and build a separate binary so that I can still
easily test your solution to the required parts of the lab assignment.
Here are a few suggestions for some things to try to improve
the simulation or the performance
(you are also welcome to come
up with your own ideas for extensions):
- you could add wind direction and speed to your world data and
this information in combination with neighbor's state will determine if
a cell catches fire at each step.
For example, if a cell is up-wind from a neighbor on fire, its chances of
catching fire will be much less than if it id down-wind from a neighbor
on fire.
- You could add elevation data to each cell, and use a cell's elevation
in combination with other data in determining its likelihood of catching
fire. Fire might be more likely to move up in elevation than down...I don't
know if this is true, but it seems plausible. If you add elevation data,
you should color UNBURNED cells differently based on their elevation so
you can "see" the elevation data.
- You could populate the area with different types of UNBURNED forest
vegetation, associating with each cell its vegetation type. This can be
used in combination with other data in determining how likely a cell is
to catch fire, and its burn rate and max temp. For example, prairie
may be more likely to catch fire, than pine forest, than deciduous forest,
than marsh. Again, you should color different types of vegetation
differently so that you can see the different types.
- You could model more realistic burning functions (they are likely
not linear in real life).
- Try out different parallelizations (different grid, block, and thread
layouts), and see if some lead to faster simulations.
- Try larger world sizes that require breaking the parallelization up
more into blocks of thread blocks and require each thread mapping to
more than a single grid cell. See how big you can go (you may want to
think about adding a command line option for the size and some dynamic
memory allocation to more easily test this).
- Try implement a different program in cuda that uses the gpu
animation library. I suggest trying out a parallel mandelbrot or
julia set.