CS87 Thursday Lab: Lab 2 Week 2

Today, you will work on Lab 2, but I also want you to demo your Part 1 solution to me and try out your Part 1 soultion with other group's Part 1 solution.

Start out today by compiling your Part 1 solution and copying the executables to different files (so that you can continue working on Part 2 while I go around and see group's Part 1 solutions):

cp cs87_client p1Client
cp cs87_server p1Server
If your repo has committed code beyond Part 1, you can either clone another copy of your repo somewhere else, and checkout out your tagged part1 version, compile and build it.
mkdir temp
cd temp
git clone [ssh for your Lab02 repo]
git tag -l
git checkout tags/your_part1_tagname

Or you can checkout your part1 version in your current repo, comiple it, copy the executables to part1_client and part2_client, and then checkout master to get back up to date. If you do this, make sure that you have done a git add, git commit and git push of any modifications you have in your repo first

git status    # list anything that is diff from master
# add, commit and push anything that is
git add client.c ...
git commit -m "part of part2"
git push 
Then checkout your part 1 tagged version.
git tag -l    # list your repo tags
git checkout tags/your_part1_tagname
make clean
cp cs87_client p1Client
cp cs87_server p1Server

git checkout master
make clean

For Part 2: remember pthreads (plus C programming and debugging)
(these links are off the Lab 2 assginment page too)