1. Run on infile1.dat and infile2.dat

$ ./sortEmployees input/infile1.dat input/infile2.dat outfile

Reading File 1: input/infile1.dat

Name                      Salary
----                     --------
Joe Schmoe                  45000
Flo Schmoe                  55000
Bo Schmoe                   77000
Mo Schmoe                   66000

Reading File 2: input/infile2.dat

Name                      Salary
----                     --------
Ada Lovelace                44000
Grace Hopper                55000
Alan Turing                 40000


Name                      Salary
----                     --------
Ada Lovelace                44000
Alan Turing                 40000
Bo Schmoe                   77000
Flo Schmoe                  55000
Grace Hopper                55000
Joe Schmoe                  45000
Mo Schmoe                   66000

Number of total employees: 7
Average salary: $54571.43

One way to check if your output file is correct is to run the wc command to count the number of bytes in the file:

$ wc input/infile1.dat input/infile2.dat outfile
  2   8  70 input/infile1.dat
  0   6  59 input/infile2.dat
  2  14 129 outfile

This shows that the output file is 129 bytes, which is the sum of the number of bytes in the two input files (70 and 59).

Another way to test your output file is to try using it as input to another run of your program.

2. Run using output file as input

If you are correctly creating the binry output file, you should be able to use the output file from one run as input file to other runs:

$ ./sortEmployees outfile input/infile2.dat outfile2

Reading File 1: outfile

Name                      Salary
----                     --------
Ada Lovelace                44000
Alan Turing                 40000
Bo Schmoe                   77000
Flo Schmoe                  55000
Grace Hopper                55000
Joe Schmoe                  45000
Mo Schmoe                   66000

Reading File 2: input/infile2.dat

Name                      Salary
----                     --------
Ada Lovelace                44000
Grace Hopper                55000
Alan Turing                 40000


Name                      Salary
----                     --------
Ada Lovelace                44000
Ada Lovelace                44000
Alan Turing                 40000
Alan Turing                 40000
Bo Schmoe                   77000
Flo Schmoe                  55000
Grace Hopper                55000
Grace Hopper                55000
Joe Schmoe                  45000
Mo Schmoe                   66000

Number of total employees: 10
Average salary: $52100.00

$ ./sortEmployees outfile outfile2 outfile3

Reading File 1: outfile

Name                      Salary
----                     --------
Ada Lovelace                44000
Alan Turing                 40000
Bo Schmoe                   77000
Flo Schmoe                  55000
Grace Hopper                55000
Joe Schmoe                  45000
Mo Schmoe                   66000

Reading File 2: out2file

Name                      Salary
----                     --------
Ada Lovelace                44000
Ada Lovelace                44000
Alan Turing                 40000
Alan Turing                 40000
Bo Schmoe                   77000
Flo Schmoe                  55000
Grace Hopper                55000
Grace Hopper                55000
Joe Schmoe                  45000
Mo Schmoe                   66000


Name                      Salary
----                     --------
Ada Lovelace                44000
Ada Lovelace                44000
Ada Lovelace                44000
Alan Turing                 40000
Alan Turing                 40000
Alan Turing                 40000
Bo Schmoe                   77000
Bo Schmoe                   77000
Flo Schmoe                  55000
Flo Schmoe                  55000
Grace Hopper                55000
Grace Hopper                55000
Grace Hopper                55000
Joe Schmoe                  45000
Joe Schmoe                  45000
Mo Schmoe                   66000
Mo Schmoe                   66000

Number of total employees: 17
Average salary: $53117.65

3. Run using large files

Here is a run on two large files from `~newhall/public/cs44/lab01` showing just part of the output:

$ ./sortEmployees ~newhall/public/cs44/lab01/input300.dat ~newhall/public/cs44/lab01/input400.dat outfile

Reading File 1: /home/newhall/public/cs44/lab01/input300.dat

       Name               Salary
--------------------     --------
Gabriel R. Vernay           66000
Zendaya S. Young           214000
Laila B. Dvorak            141000

Reading File 2: /home/newhall/public/cs44/lab01/input400.dat

       Name               Salary
--------------------     --------
Bai D. Rosenberg           170000
Vasyl H. Gallo              87000
Isak O. Unger              110000


       Name               Salary
--------------------     --------
Ada K. Kipkirui            225000
Ada N. Olsen               111000
Ada U. Unger               126000
Ada W. Hassan              241000
Ada Y. Ito                 132000
Akira F. Barbosa           225000
Zola O. Xiao               113000
Zola W. Adve                85000
Zuri A. Zsiga               74000
Zuri J. Dvorak             135000
Zuri W. Young              207000
Zuri Y. Tytovsky           256000
Zuri Z. Quigley            149000

Number of total employees: 700
Average salary: $164132.86