This lab should be done with your lab partner.
Lab 6 Goals:
- practice with pointers and structs in C
- writing and using a library in C, .h and .c files
- C generic type (void *), and recasting
- operations on bytes of memory: memcpy, malloc, realloc, bcmp
- gain expertise in gdb and valgrind for debugging C programs
Lab 6 Introduction
In this assignment you and your partner will implement a C library
that provides a Python-like list implementation. Other C code can
use the functions provided by your library to create lists of
basic C types. Your library will provide an easy-to-use
list interface that hides all the low-level details about the underlying
memory management of the list implementation.
First, both you and your partner should run update31 to
grab some starting point code.
$ update31
$ cd cs31/labs/06
$ pwd
$ ls
Makefile plist.c plist.h testlist.c
Starting Point Code:
- plist.h: contains the starting point of the header file for
your plist library. It contains the function prototype for the init_list
You should add function prototypes for all functions in your plist interface
as you incrementally implement and test them.
The type name used for parameters this file should be plist
(the external type representation).
- plist.c: contains the implementation of your Python-like list
Library function definitions and internal type definitions should be
added to this file. A shell for the init_list function is given to
you. You should add static helper functions as needed for good modular
The type name used for parameters in this file should be struct python_list *
(the internal type representation).
- testlist.c: a test program for your plist library. Add code here
to test the functionality of your library. Make sure to test all
library functions for different list bucket types. Again, add helper
functions to make this code manageable.
The type name used for variable declarations in this file should
be plist (the external type representation).
Project Details, Requirements and Hints
You will implement a python-like list library, plist, that can be used by
C application programmers who want to uses lists in their code but
don't want to have to think about low-level memory allocation,
reallocation, deallocation, or element shifting.
Information on building and using C libraries
Read over the "CREATING AND USING YOUR OWN LIBRARY CODE" section of the
following (this is also available off my C help pages):
Building and Using libraries in C. This gives an introduction
to writing .h files, implementing library code .c files, and compiling
and linking library code into C application code that uses the library.
For this assignment, you will build your library code as a single object file
(.o file).
The Makefile already does this for you.
Using the plist library (ex. testlist.c)
C's generic type (
void *) is used as the type
for passing data values to, and for returning data values from,
plist library functions. C applications that use the plist library
void * return values to the real C type it stores
in the plist, and recast real C type values passed as arguments to plist
library functions as
void *.
The plist.h file contains the interface to your library. Applications
using the plist library should #include it:
#include "plist.h"
plist.h contains a typedef
plist is the type
name that should be used in application code that uses the plist library.
Here are some examples of how a C application may use plist library functions:
int value;
plist my_int_list;
plist my_char_list;
my_int_list = init_list(sizeof(int)); // create a new plist to store ints
my_char_list = init_list(sizeof(char)); // create a new plist to store chars
append(my_int_list, (void *)6); // appends the 4-byte value 6 to end of list
append(my_int_list, (void *)7);
append(my_charList, (void *)6); // appends the 1 byte value 6 to the list
set(my_int_list, 1, (void *)12); // set's bucket 1's value to 12
value = (int)get(my_int_list, 1); // get the (int) value in bucket 1
// re-cast the void * return type to int
Implementing the plist library (plist.c, plist.h)
The underlying implementation will use an array of bytes (unsigned char)
to store values added to the plist. If the values stored are ints, then
4 contiguous entries in the array of bytes are used to store
each list value. If the values stored are chars, then a single array bucket
can store each list value. You will use low-level memory access methods
and functions in stdlib to access each value.
The following struct definition is defined in plist.c. You can use it,
or something similar, to implement the plist data structure.
struct python_list {
int size;
int capacity;
int type_size;
unsigned char *array; // it is important that this field starts on a 4-byte
// aligned address (note how this def ensures that)
Code within the plist library implementation (plist.c) should use the type
name struct python_list.
The implementation should dynamically allocate and reallocate space as
needed to store the values added by the user of your library. For this
assignment, you should start with an array of 20 bytes, and then each
time it fills, increase its size by 20 more bytes (use a constant). With
20 bytes you can store 20 chars, 10 shorts, or 5 ints before having to
reallocate space for a larger array. This is ridiculously small, and
not the most efficient re-sizing algorithm, but will allow you to easily
test your re-sizing functionality on reasonably sized lists.
The plist library implementation must support lists of several different
C basic types of different size bytes. To do this,
the plist implementation will map 1, 2 or 4 byte data values
onto an underlying contiguous sequence of bytes (and array of unsigned char).
The plist
library implementation only knows the number of bytes in the stored
values; it does not anything about the type of value actually stored
in these bytes. It therefore should use methods that only manipulate
low-level bytes of memory space, and should not have special
case code for individual C types (you can't do this with the given
plist interface anyway).
The stdlib library contains some
useful functions (memcpy, malloc, realloc, etc.) for manipulating bytes
of memory.
- You must implement the following plist library functions:
- init_list: takes a bucket type size (must be one of 1, 2,
or 4 bytes) and returns 0 on error or an initialized, empty plist on
Its function prototype must be:
plist init_list(int type_size) ;
- free_list: free all space associated with this list
the user of a plist will call this function when s/he is done using
the plist variable.
Its function prototype must be:
void free_list(plist list) ;
- size: return the number of elements in the list (not
the list capacity).
Its function prototype must be:
int size(plist list) ;
- append: add an element to the end of the list
Its function prototype must be:
void append(plist list, void *value) ;
- set: set the index'th element in the list to the given
value. This is an overwrite function; the index must be valid,
meaning that it is within the current size of the list.
The user cannot create a list with holes using set. set can only overwrite
an existing value in the list.
Its function prototype must be:
void set(plist list, int index, void *value) ;
- get: returns the element in the index'th bucket
of the list.
Its function prototype must be:
void *get(plist list, int index) ;
- insert: inserts the passed value at the specified index
in the list. All values currently at that position or higher in
the list are shifted over to make room for this value. This function
grows the list by one. insert grows the list size by one. The
index must be within the current size of the list or one more (equivalent
to an append); the user cannot create a list with holes.
Its function prototype must be:
void insert_list(plist list, int index, void *value) ;
- You may not change any of the function prototypes in the
plist library. Your library code must work with our test code that
makes calls to these functions as they are defined above.
- You library must support creating and using plists that
can store any of the follow C types:
unsigned char
unsigned short
unsigned int
A single plist will store all of the same type (i.e. either it is a list of
int values or a list of char values but it cannot store both int and
char values).
- Your testlist.c file should contain example test code that demonstrates
the correctness of your solution. If you use my #defines for specifying
different bucket types, your testlist.c file will only have a single type
test, but should work for any change in those #defines to test all other
type possibilities. If you implement a print_list helper function
(and I think you should), I recommend printing out both the signed and unsigned
interpretation of every list value (for example "%d and %u" for unsigned
and signed ints). This will make the code a bit more manageable to write,
and it is nice to see both interpretations of the bits to check for
- Error handling inside the plist library: Your implementation
should have complete error checking. For example, it should check for
bad values passed into your library functions (NULL ptrs, invalid
parameter values, ...), it should also check for error return values
from system calls and C library function calls. With the exception of
the init_list function that returns error values, most of the plist
functions do not explicitly return errors to the caller.
Instead, you should use assert statements to test for and
handle catastrophic errors inside the plist library code.
assert takes a conditional expression and terminates the program if the
condition is not true.
For example:
ptr = malloc( ... );
assert(ptr != NULL);
assert statements generally are not be used in production code, but are
used during implementation and correctness testing phases of program
development. They are also a good way to test for pre and post conditions
associated with functions and get immediate feedback when they are
Look at the man page for assert for details on how to call it.
- Use good modular design. If you are repeating common functionality all
over the place, this should be implemented as a separate function that is
called by your code. Any functions that are private to a single .c file,
should be declared static:
static int foo(int x, int y); // foo is only in scope within this .c file
- Your code should be well-designed, well-commented, contain no
wrapped lines and use other good programming style features.
See my C Style Guide (link at bottom of class page) for more details and
- Your code must be free of memory access errors (no valgrind errors).
Useful C functions and Hints
- Implement and test incrementally! Use valgrind as you go to catch
memory access errors as you make them.
- Use stdlib functions when possible to perform low-level memory accesses.
Here are some that may be useful (you may not need to use all of these):
malloc, realloc, bcmp, memcpy, memmove
See their man pages for more information and examples of their use.
- Some information about C's generic type void *:
- There are a few different methods for reading and writing multi-byte
values from an underlying array of bytes.
- One way uses memcpy (and
related functions). For example, here is how to copy
some number of bytes from the array of bytes, starting at the
address of bucket i, into a program variable using memcpy:
unsigned long value; // unsigned long is a good for storing different
// type values that are passed via void *
// because on a 64-bit machine it is 64 bits
// and on 32-bit machine it is 32 bits
memcpy((void *)&value, (void *)&array[i], num_bytes);
- Another approach is to use pointers, re-casting, and
dereferencing to directly access values from the underlying array
of bytes. This approach requires that data are well-aligned in the
underlying array of bytes (int values must be stored on 4-byte aligned
addresses for example), and it is more appropriate when you know the
exact type stored in the array.
Here is an example:
unsigned char array[100];
int x;
char ch;
// gets 4 byte int value starting at the address of bucket i
x = *((int *)&array[i]); // interpret the address of bucket i as a
// pointer to an int, then dereference it
// to get the int value stored there
// gets 1 byte char value starting at bucket i
ch = *((char *)&array[i]);
For all the required parts of this assignment, use the first method
(memcpy and related functions) inside your plist.c code to access
the byte(s) stored in each plist bucket from the underlying array
of bytes.
- Think very carefully about type. Sometimes you are using pointer values,
sometime you are not. Sometimes a void * value is a pointer, sometimes it
is not.
- Review pointers in C. Here are some
C programming references. In particular, my documentation about pointers in C (and
other C pointer documentation) may be helpful for this assignment.
Extra Challenge
Do not try this part until all the required parts of your lab 6 solution are
implemented and fully tested; extra credit features with an incomplete
or buggy required part will be worth much less than a fully working
lab 6 solution with no extra credit features.
Here are some ideas for extra, not required, functionality to add to your
plist library:
extra challenge ideas
Once you are satisfied with your solution, hand it in by typing
handin31 at the unix prompt.
Only one of you or your partner should run handin31 to submit your
joint solutions If you accidentally both run it, send me email right
away letting me know which of the two solutions I should keep and which
I should discard (you don't want the grader to just guess which joint
solution to grade).
You may run
as many times as you like, and only the
most recent submission will be recorded. This is useful if you realize,
after handing in some programs, that you'd like to make a few more
changes to them.