Setting up a subdirectory for week 8 in-class work
cd into your cs21/class/ subdirectory and create a new directory named 'week08',
then cd into that directory:
$ cd cs21/class # cd into your cs21/class subdirectory
$ pwd
$ mkdir week08 # make a subdirectory named week08
$ cd week08 # cd into it
$ pwd
Now copy over all the files from my public/cs21/week08 directory into your
week08 directory (remember to add the dot as the destination of the cp command).
From your week08 directory:
$ cp ~newhall/public/cs21/week08/* .
Weekly In-class Examples
This week we are going to continue with Top-Down Design, and also look
at file I/O and lists of lists (2-dimensional lists).
- We will look at some examples of reading in values
from a file. Open to see three different ways to
read in values from a file. Here is some more information about
file I/O
- Together we are going to write a large program, but applying
Top-Down Design to determine how to structure our program, implementing
fuction stubs, and iteratively implmenting and testing functions. This
is the same process you will follow in solving Lab 7.
- Just as a reminder, and have some
examples of converting lists to strings and strings to lists, and
of str and list methods. Here is some more information about
str and list
- We will revisit nested loops, and use them to solve a pattern of
stars problem with some restrictions (one of the board challenge problems
from quiz 3).
- We will look at some examples of lists of lists and how to access
elements in 2-D lists.