C basics

	store a value of some type
	name associated with storage location (use meaningful names)
	need to be declared before used
	variable names must start w/letter, not be any key words.

	int x, z;   /* allocate 2 int storage locations with names x and z */
	float y;    /* allocate a float storage location with name y */
	char ch;

Data Types:
  standard C types:
     type	input a value 		output a value  
     ----	-------------		--------------
     int        GetInteger()		printf("%d", 2);
                examples -1, 0, 1, 22

     double     GetReal()		printf("%g", y);
     		examples 2.178, 3.14, -19.99

     char 	  			printf("%c", ch);
		examples 'a', '2', ':'	

  defined in genlib.h:
     type	input a value 		output a value  
     ----	-------------		--------------
     bool       no input routine         no output routine

     two possible values: TRUE, FALSE
      bool b = TRUE;

     standard C uses int values for true and false: 
         0 is false, any non-zero int value is true


(1)  Function calls:

		/* GetInteger and printf are functions */	
		x = GetInteger();    
		printf("%d\n", x); 

(2) Assignment statements:   variable = value of expression;

  * an EXPRESSION represents a value 

  * need to be concerned with TYPE of an expression 

    var's type must match the type of the expression 

       exception: int expressions can be assigned to a float or a double var
                  and C will automatically convert it to float or double

		  float r;

		  r = 7;    // 7 will be converted to 7.0 and assigned to r

       C will let you assign a float or char expression to an int, but the
       results may not be what you expect

	assigning a real value to an int, the value is truncated leaving just whole number:

		x = 5.99999;     // x gets the value 5
		x = -5.99999;    // x gets the value -5

  * must assign a variable a value before you can use it in an expression
    (initialize variables before you use them)

  	int x, z;
	x = 2;      /* first initialize x */
	z = 3 + x;  /* now you can use it on the rhs of an assignment stmt */

  * arithmetic expressions

       (a) arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, % 

	terms must be of same type (except int w/float or double automatically converted)

		x = 6/4   vs.  y = 6.0/4 

	    can type cast to get correct type (these do not evaluate to the same value):

	    	y = (double)(3/6);   or    y = ((double)3)/6;
		             ^^^			 ^^^
			     int division		first recast 3 to double 3.0
			     then recast as a double    then do double division
			     to get 0.0                 to get 0.5 

        % operator: only for int operands, evaluates to the remainder part of division

		7 % 2    evaluates to 1  ( 7 divided by 2 is 3 with a remainder of 1)
		11 % 3   evaluates to 2  ( 11 divided by 3 is 3 with a remainder of 2)

        (b) precedence rules
		( )
		function call
		unary minus  
		*, /, %  left to right
		+ -  left to right
		left to right

	(c) short hand:

		x++             is shorthand for:   x = x + 1

		x op= expr      is shorthand for:   x = x op expr
		    (ex)  x += 6;   is shorthand for:  x = x + 6;
		    (ex)  x *= 7;   is shorthand for:  x = x * 7;