% cd # make sure you are in your home directory % ls # list the contents of your home directory cs21/ # should be a single directory that we created last time % cd cs21 # change directories to cs21 % pwd # check that you are in your /home/username/cs21 sub directory % mkdir week1 # make a new directory named week1 in your cs21 directory % cd week1 % pwd # check that you are in your /home/username/cs21/week1 sub directory
Now copy over all the files from my public/cs21/week1 directory into your week1 directory:
% cp ~newhall/public/cs21/week1/* . % lsWe are going to start by looking at the add.c program together, so go ahead and open it in one of emacs, vi, vim, or gvim:
% emacs add.c % vi add.c % vim add.c # vim and vi are the same editor % gvim add.c # gvim is the graphical version of vimTo compile and run the add.c program:
% gccx add.c # compile add.c to create an executable file a.out % ls a.out* add.c % ./a.out # to run the a.out file
Later, you will open the TODO file in emacs (or vi) and follow the instructions.