Create a week07 subdirectory in your cs21/class directory, and from within your week07 subdirectory copy over some python files from my public directory:
$ cd $ cd cs21/class $ pwd /home/your_user_name/cs21/class $ mkdir week07 $ cd week07 $ pwd /home/your_user_name/cs21/class/week07 $ cp ~newhall/public/cs21/week07/* . $ lsAfter we work on in-class assignments together, you can copy over the code I wrote in class:
$ cp ~newhall/public/cs21/week07/tia* .My solutions are in files with the prefix tias_.
On the class schedule for week6 is a link to information about using strings and lists as objects, and about using the random library.
We have talked about lists and strings as being objects and how to see a listing of the methods each provide. In the python interpreter, you can get information about list and str class method functions by calling help(class_name):
$ python >>> help(str) >>> help(list)
The files and show some examples of using list and string method functions.