Create a week14 subdirectory in your cs21/class directory:
% cd % cd cs21/class % pwd /home/your_user_name/cs21/class % mkdir week14Then, from within your week14 subdirectory copy over some python files from my public directory:
% cd week14 % pwd /home/your_user_name/cs21/class/week14 % cp ~newhall/public/cs21/week14/* . % ls
insertSorted(elm): (0) Create a new node with elm as it data field (1) If the list is empty, add this as the new head and tail node (2) Else: (1) Find the insertion spot we need to traverse with curr and prev pointers (3) Insert it into the linked list (a) if the insertion spot is before head, set new node's next to point to head, and head to point to new node (b) if the insertion spot is after tail, set tail's next to point to new node, and tail to point to new node (c) if the insertion spot is in the middle, need to change the new node's next field to point to the node after the insertion spot, and change the next field of the node immediately before the insertion spot to point to the new node