CS63 Artificial Intelligence

Week 2: Journal Questions

  1. Briefly (3-5 sentences) explain an example of a problem from your own experience where a large branching factor prevented you from finding a good solution efficiently.
  2. Russell and Norvig state: "In general, iterative deepening is the preferred uninformed search method when the search space is large and the depth of the solution is not known" (p. 90). Identify the sentence from the reading that you believe best supports this claim. Briefly (3-5 sentences) explain your choice.
  3. Select the sentence or short passage (no more than three sentences, please) that you find most interesting or provocative. Briefly (3-5 sentences) explain why you selected this particular sentence or short passage.
  4. Identify the sentence, section, or concept from today's reading that remains the most confusing to you. Briefly (3-5 sentences) explain what you find confusing about it.

If you have any questions about the reading, be sure to add them to the end of your journal entry.