CS63 Artificial Intelligence

Week 14: Journal Questions

  1. The ability to form abstractions was one of the key features that the original organizers of the first AI conference in 1955 expected an AI system would need. How well has the field of AI done at achieving abstraction so far? Explain.
  2. Do you agree that abstraction is a key element of intelligence, why or why not?
  3. Select one of the questions (shown below) for which you disagree with Mitchell's answer and make the arguement for your viewpoint.
    • How soon will self-driving cars be commonplace?
    • Will AI result in massive unemployment for humans?
    • Could a computer be creative?
    • How far are we from creating general, human-level AI?
    • How terrified should we be about AI?
    • What exciting problems in AI are still unsolved?

If you have any questions about the reading, be sure to add them to the end of your journal entry.