This lab is designed to be done with a partner (i.e. teams of 2). It is strongly recommended that you work with a partner, but if you really want to work solo for some reason, please talk to the instructor first.
Your group should already be formed, and you should have a github repo ready to go by the time lab starts. Please let the instructor know if you have any issues accessing it.
Note that for this lab we will not be using Jupyter Lab, but rather just using basic python files. While Jupyter is nice for many things, it's a bit unwieldy for programs with large amounts of code and/or multiple files. It's also often easier to automate things (e.g. using scripts and command-line arguments) if you can run your program from the command line. Text-based interactive programs are also typically easier to use directly in a terminal instead of inside Jupyter.
You can use any text editor you like to edit your .py files; e.g. vim, emacs, vscode, etc.
The objectives of this lab are to:
For this lab you will modify the following files:
You will use but not modify these file:
We will be using text-based versions of the Traffic Jam and Fifteen Puzzle games in this lab. Complete the following steps to familiarize yourself with the games.
python3 puzzles/traffic00.txt
You will see a picture of the board and a list of valid moves you may make (as shown below). In the case of traffic00, the gird is 6x6, but the grid size can change between puzzles. The exit is marked by two vertical bars. In a traffic jam puzzle, each car is represented by a unique number. In this example, cars 1, 2, and 6 are positioned horizontally and can only move left or right, while cars 0, 3, 4, and 5 are positioned vertically and can only move up or down. Cars may be different lengths but are always only one grid square wide. Empty locations are marked by a dash. The goal of the game is to move the car labeled 0 to the exit.
| | 1 1 2 2 3 - 0 - - - 3 - 0 - - - 3 - - - 4 - 5 - - - 4 - 5 - - - 4 6 6 - a: car0 down b: car4 up c: car6 right Select move (or q to quit):
You should be able to solve this particular puzzle in 7 moves.
python3 puzzles/fifteen00.jsonThe file fifteen00.json contains a 2x2 puzzle. In a fifteen puzzle, each block is represented by a natural number, and the blank space is represented by a 0. The goal is to put the blocks in increasing order from the top left to the bottom right (with the blank at the bottom right), which for a 2x2 puzzle is the following state:
1 2 3 0Below is the initial state for fifteen00.json. The possible moves describe how the space should move. You should be able to solve his puzzle in four moves:
2 3 1 0 moves: U, L
[['1', '1', '2', '2', '3', '-'], ['0', '-', '-', '-', '3', '-'], ['0', '-', '-', '-', '3', '-'], ['-', '-', '4', '-', '5', '-'], ['-', '-', '4', '-', '5', '-'], ['-', '-', '4', '-', '6', '6']]
You will be implementing A* search. The key difference between informed searches, like A*, and uninformed searches, like BFS, is that they estimate the cost associated with each node. For A* this cost is the sum of how much work it took to get to a node and an estimate of how far it is to the goal from a node.
For both puzzles, the cost of getting to a node will simply be the number of actions taken, which is stored in the depth of the node. To estimate the distance to the goal you will use a heuristic function.
Complete the implementation of informed search as follows:
When implementing the search function, you can initially test it with the zeroHeuristic. This heuristic is completely uninformative so the resulting search reduces to BFS.
Note that the pseudo-code given for informed search in the Russell & Norvig text is a recursive version; that works, but it's likely to overflow the stack for large problems, so it's better to do it iteratively. Here is basic pseudo-code for the algorithm:
initialization: create empty PQ (priority queue) create a node to store the initial state add this node to the PQ frontier with a priority of 0 create efficient data structure to track unique states visited main loop: while frontier not empty get currNode from frontier check if currNode is goal else expand currNode: for each possible move, if not visited, add to frontier (and visited) if exit loop without finding the goal, report search failure
Now it's time to add some heuristic information. This will allow the informed search to expand less nodes to more efficiently find solutions.
Implement each heuristic described below. We have provided some
starting point unit tests for the heuristics in the
file For each heuristic, you should
include four tests using the game boards given in
the puzzles directory. To execute the tests do:
Once you've completed informed search you are ready to do some performance testing.
Complete the tables provided in the experiments file, and answer the questions that follow. Note that for the fifteen puzzle problems, uninformed search will become excruciatingly slow for any of the larger board sizes.