In addition to all concepts from Quiz 1, and
Quiz 2
You should be able to define or explain the following terms:
(Note: you only have to know the big picture when it comes to Priority Queues and Heaps. We know you just handed in a lab on this and it has not been graded yet, so there will not be any deep question about them in the test)
- Induction
- Loop Invatiants
- Trees and many related terms and properties,
including nodes, the root node, leaf nodes, internal nodes, parent, child,
path, depth of a node, subtree, height of a tree
- Compare and contrast linear data structures with trees
- Tree traversals: pre-order, in-order, post-order, and level-order
- Binary tree
- Binary search trees and the BST property
- Dictionaries (generally)
- AVL trees and the AVL tree property
- Tree rotations
- The recursive definition of binary trees, binary search trees, and AVL
- Priority Queue abstract data type
- Analysis of priority queue implementations using sorted lists,
unsorted lists, binary search trees, and binary heap trees
- Binary heap and the heap operations
- Complete binary trees and their array-based representation
- The heap-order property
- The Complete binary tree property
- Using bubble up and bubble down to restore heap-order property
- Sorting with a priority queue
- The conceptual overlaps and differences between trees, BST, AVL,
priority queues, heaps
- Containers of containers; that is, how data structures can contain
other data structures as elements
- Run time analysis of public interface for LinkedBST, AVLTree,
and BinaryHeap
- Run time analysis of helper methods as well for LinkedBST, BinaryHeap
Practice problems
- Induction Prove the following sums by induction:
- \(\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n} i \cdot 2^i = 2^{n+1}(n-1) + 2\)
- \(\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n} \frac{3}{4^i} = 1 - (\frac{1}{4})^n\)
- Loop Invariants. For each of the following algorithms,
prove the algorithm is correct by using a loop invariant. First,
explicitly state the loop invariant. Then, show how the loop
invariant implies the algorithm works. Finally, prove the loop
invariant using induction.
- adding all elements of a list
Algorithm sum(A, n):
Input: An array of n numbers
Output: The sum of all elements in the array
toReturn = 0
for i=0...n-1
toReturn = toReturn + A[i]
return toReturn
- checking to see if an array is sorted
Algorithm isSorted(A, n)
Input: An array A of n elements
Output: true if A is sorted, false otherwise
for i =0...n-2:
if(A[i] > A[i+1]):
return false
return true
- searching for an element in a sorted array.
Algorithm binarySearch(A,n, x):
Input: A sorted array of size n, an element of x we wish to find
Output: Position of x, or -1 if not found
low=0, high=n-1
while(low <= high):
mid = (low+high)/2
if(A[mid] == x) :
return mid
else if (A[mid] < x):
low = mid+1
high = mid-1
return -1;
- For each data structure covered in the course, come up with a
real-world application that motivates the data structure. The data structure
should be able to provide a more efficient solution to the problem then any
other structure covered so far.
- Give a binary tree with integer keys at nodes, whose traversals are:
- PreOrder: [80 46 92 90 121 111 105]
- InOrder: [46 80 90 92 105 111 121]
- PostOrder: [46 90 105 111 121 92 80]
Is the tree a BST? Is it an AVLTree? Justify your response.
- Consider the following tree:
- What is the pre-order traversal of the tree?
- What is the in-order traversal of the tree?
- What is the post-order traversal of the tree?
- What is the level-order traversal of the tree?
- Identify if it is a tree, binary tree, BST, AVL tree
- Based on your previous answer, draw the tree obtained by inserting
10 into the tree.
- Draw the tree obtained by deleting 2 from the tree.
- Draw both trees that might be obtained by deleting 4 from the tree while
still maintaining the properties in your answer to e)
- Consider a boolean function LinkedBST::containsInRange that
takes as arguments two keys -- min and max --
and returns true if there exists a key k in the tree
such that min <= k <= max. One possible implementation of
this function is to call a recursive helper function that takes
an additional argument -- a node in the tree, and returns whether that
subtree contains any keys in the range:
template <typename K, typename V>
bool LinkedBST<K,V>::containsInRange(K min, K max) {
return subtreeContainsInRange(root, min, max);
Write the recursive helper function subtreeContainsInRange.
You may assume that empty trees are represented by pointer to a NULL
- For each of the code fragments below, draw the AVLTree that
results from the code fragment:
AVLTree<int,int> t;
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) {
AVLTree<int,int> t;
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
AVLTree<int,int> t;
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
- For each of the three code fragments above, draw the tree that would
result if a LinkedBST were used instead of an AVLTree.
- What is the worst-case running time of the following function? Use
Big-O notation.
void f(int n) {
if (n < 0) {
AVLTree<int,int> t;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
cout << t.remove(i) << endl;
- What is the smallest AVL tree such that removing a node requires a
rotation to rebalance the tree? (There is more than one correct answer, but
they're all the same size.)
- What is the smallest AVL tree such that removing a node requires
two rotations to rebalance the tree? (Again there is more than one correct
answer, but they're all the same size.)
The following problems examine Binary Heaps in a deeper way that is expected for Test 3, we include them only for completeness because this studyguide will also be used for the final exam.
- For each of the code fragments below, draw the BinaryHeap that
results from the code fragment, and draw its final array-based representation:
BinaryHeap<int,int> heap;
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) {
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
BinaryHeap<int,int> heap;
for (int i = 10; i > 0; --i) {
BinaryHeap<int,int> heap;
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
- What is the worst-case running time of the following function? Use
Big-O notation.
void f(int n) {
if (n < 0) {
BinaryHeap<int,int> heap;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
cout << heap.removeMax() << endl;