Using the Graphics Library

First import it at the top of your program:
	from graphics import *
Note that the origin of the graphics window is at the top left corner. Here is a short example showing how to create a new graphics window object, create graphical objects, and then draw them in the window:
	 win = GraphWin("Test", 500, 500) # creates new GraphWin object, 500 pixels in width and 500 pixels in height 
	 p = Point(50, 50)                # creates a new Point object at 50,50
	 c = Circle(p, 20)                # creates new Circle object centered at point p with a radius of 20 pixels
	 c.setFill("red")                 # invokes the setFill method of the Circle object
	 c.draw(win)                      # draws the Circle object in the window win


You can see all of the classes in the graphics library and their methods by running help(graphics) in interactive mode:

$ python
>>> import graphics
>>> help(graphics)
To see the full set of colors available to you:
$ python
>>> from colorPicker import *
>>> colorPicker()
then click on a color and its name will show up in the python interpreter

Below is a short summary of the graphical objects that you will be focusing on in this lab.

class GraphWin
        GraphWin(title, width, height)
        flush()  # update drawing to graphics window
        getMouse() # wait for mouse click and return Point obj representing click location
        setBackground(color)   # color could be something like "red"


  mywin = GraphWin("ponies!!", 600, 500)

Methods common to all Graphics objects
     draw(graphwin):    # Draw the object in graphwin, which should be a 
                        # GraphWin object.  A GraphicsObject may only be drawn 
                        # into one window. 
     undraw()           # Undraw the object (i.e. hide it). 
     clone()            # create a new object that is an exact copy of this one
     move(dx, dy)       # move object dx units in x and dy units in y direction
     setFill(color)     # Set interior color to color
     setOutline(color)  # Set outline color to color
     setWidth(width)    # Set line weight to width

class Point
     Point(x, y)
     getX()     # the int value of the Point's x-coordinate
     getY()     # the int value of the Point's y-coordinate


  p1 = Point(300, 450)
  x1 = p1.getX()
  x2 = p1.getY()

class Line
     Line(p1, p2)   # p1 and p2 are the end Points of the line
     getCenter()    # returns a Point object corresponding to the Line's center
     getP1()        # get one end-point Point object
     getP2()        # get the other Point object


  p1 = Point(0, 250)
  p2 = Point(600, 250)
  longline = Line(p1, p2)

class Circle
     Circle(p1, radius)# p1 is a Point at the center of the circle, radius is an int
     getCenter()       # returns the Point object describing the Circle's center
     getRadius()       # returns the int value of the Circle's radius


  center = Point(100, 100)
  radius = 35
  sun = Circle(center, radius)