CS63 Artificial Intelligence

Week 10: Journal Questions

Answer the following question for Monday's reading on Rewards for Robots (Mitchell Ch. 8)

  1. What is the main difference between reinforcement learning and supervised learning, and what is the appeal of using reinforcement learning?
  2. What is a Q-table and how is it used in reinforcement learning?
  3. Mitchell mentions a number of issues that reinforcement-learning researchers face. Pick one of these issues and explain what makes it problematic.

Answer the following questions for Wednesday's reading on Game On (Mitchell Ch. 9)

  1. What is deep Q-learning? How does it differ from standard Q-learning?

Answer the following questions for Fridays's reading on Beyond Games (Mitchell Ch. 10)

  1. What is transfer learning and why is it important in AI?
  2. Mitchell is skeptical that AI's focus on building game playing agents will lead to general-purpose and robust artificial intelligence, why?