Lab 4: General Game Playing
Due Oct. 6 by midnight

The starting board for an 8x8 game of Hex.

 - - - - - - - -
\ · · · · · · · · \
 \ · · · · · · · · \
  \ · · · · · · · · \
   \ · · · · · · · · \
    \ · · · · · · · · \
     \ · · · · · · · · \
      \ · · · · · · · · \
       \ · · · · · · · · \
          - - - - - - - -

A point in the game after each player has made four moves.

 - - - - - - - -
\ · · · · · ·   \
 \ · · · · · ·  ● \
  \ · · · · · ·  · \
   \ · · · · ·  · · \
    \ · · · · · · · · \
     \ ·  · · · · · · \
      \ · · ·  · · · · \
       \ · · · · · · · · \
          - - - - - - - -

Blue has just won the game by creating a connected path between the two blue sides of the Hex board.

 - - - - - - - -
\ · · · · · ·   \
 \ · · · · · ·   \
  \ · · · · · ·   \
   \ · · · · ·    \
    \ · · ·     · \
     \      ·  · \
      \     · · · · \
       \ · · · · · · · · \
          - - - - - - - -

General game players are systems able to accept descriptions of arbitrary games at run time and able to use such descriptions to play those games effectively without human intervention. In other words, they do not know the rules until the games start. Unlike specialized game players, general game players cannot rely on algorithms designed in advance for specific games.

Starting point code

As in the previous lab, use Teammaker to form your team. You can log in to that site to indicate your partner preference. Once you and your partner have specified each other and the lab has been released, a GitHub repository will be created for your team.


The objective of this lab is to use Monte Carlo Tree Search to implement a general game playing agent.

The primary Python file you will be modifying is You have also been provided several files that should look familiar from lab 3:

There are also several new python programs:

Just like last week, all games are played using The interface has been updated slightly; you can use the -h option for more information.

To get started, try playing hex against your partner. This game has a large branching factor, so you'll likely have to scroll up to see the game board between turns. The game is played on a grid where (0,0) is a the top left corner and (7,7) is the bottom right corner.

./ hex human human

Implementation Tasks

To begin, open the file and complete the implementations of the two classes provided.

  1. Node class:

    1. You will need to implement the method UCBWeight(UCB_constant, parent_visits, parent_turn) used in node selection. The UCB_weight is calculated according the formula in the node selection section of
    2. This class will also need to implement the method updateValue(outcome) used for value backpropagation. The outcome will be either +1, -1, or 0 representing a win for the maximizer, a win for the minimizer, or a draw. Recall from class that we will be calculating value according to this formula:
        value = 1 + (wins-losses)/visits
      The benefits of this formula are that:
      • wins are valued better than draws and draws are valued better than losses
      • value will always be positive, in the range [0,2], and positive values are necessary for the UCBWeight method

  2. MCTSPlayer class:

    1. You will need to implement the method getMove(game_state) which is called by the program to determine the player's next move. It should:
      • check whether a node already exists for the given game state, and if not create one
      • call MCTS on the node
      • determine the best move from the node, taking into account the current player at the node
      • return the best move

      Here's pseudocode that fleshes out these steps:

         # Find or create node for game_state
         key = str(game_state)
         if key in tree
            curr_node = get node from tree using key
            curr_node = create new node with game_state
            add curr_node to tree using key 
         # Perform Monte Carlo Tree Search from that node
         # Determine the best move from that node
         bestValue = -float("inf"); bestMove = None
         for move, child_node in curr_node's children
            if curr_node's player is +1
               value = child_node.value
               value = 2 - child_node. value
            if value > bestValue
               update bestValue and bestMove
         return bestMove

    2. Debugging MCTS can be challenging due to the randomness inherent in the rollouts. Implement the status(node) method so that you can easily view the contents of a particular node within the tree. For example, let's play a game of Nim starting with 7 pieces, where we do 1000 rollouts per turn:
      ./ nim mcts random
      Here's an example status that might be printed for the root node after the first turn:
       node wins 988, losses  12, visits 1000, value 1.98
      child wins   0, losses   2, visits    2, value 0.00, move 3
      child wins   7, losses   4, visits   11, value 1.27, move 1
      child wins 981, losses   7, visits  988, value 1.99, move 2

      Notice that the best move based on the rollouts is to take 2, which puts our opponent at 5 pieces. We saw in class that, with optimal strategy, playing from 5 pieces is a guaranteed loss. MCTS has also discovered this via the rollouts.

      Look at numbers of wins, losses, and visits. You would expect that if we were to sum up these values at the child nodes that they would equal the total at the root node.

      • For wins, 0 + 7 + 981 = 988 as expected.
      • For losses, 2 + 4 + 7 = 13 and not 12 as we would expect.
      • For visits, 2 + 11 + 988 = 1001 and not 1000 as we would expect, given that we did 1000 rollouts.

      What is going on? Remember that MCTS is storing the tree in a dictionary that maps states to nodes. The states are represented by the number of pieces remaining and whose turn it is. From the starting state of (7, turn 1), we can get to three successor states: (6, turn -1), (5, turn -1), and (4, turn -1). It turns out that there is another way to get to this last successor state (4, turn -1), by the max player taking 1, the min player taking 1, and the max player taking 1 again. This series of moves has a low value so is rarely tried in rollouts, but because of the UCB formula, it typically does get explored at least one time out of the many rollouts that were done. And this is why the number of losses and visits is off from our expectations.

    3. Lastly, you must complete the MCTS(node) method. This method takes a node from which to start the search, and the number of rollouts to perform.

      Each rollout:

      • navigates explored nodes using the UCB weight to select the best option until it reaches the frontier
      • expands one new node
      • performs a random playout to a terminal state
      • propagates the outcome back to expanded nodes along the path of selection and expansion

      Pseudocode for MCTS is provided below:

          repeat num_rollout times
             path = selection(current_node)
             selected_node = final node in path
             if selected_node is terminal
                outcome = winner of selected_node's state
                next_node = expansion(selected_node)
                add next_node to end of path
                outcome = simulation(next_node's state)
             backpropagation(path, outcome)
          status(current_node) # use for debugging
      You will certainly want to break this task down using several helper methods, at least one for each phase of the algorithm.

Testing your MCTS

Once you have implemented MCTS, you should do extensive testing on the simplest game we have provided, which is Nim. Here is how you would play Nim, starting with 7 pieces and with the MCTS doing 100 rollouts:
  ./ nim mcts random -game_args 7 -a1 100

Your output should look similar to the following, though the numbers will not be exactly the same due to the randomness of the rollouts, the trends should be similar. Player 1 (MCTS) should win every time.

Nim: 7 Turn: 1
completed 100 rollouts
root  wins    90, losses    10, visits   100, value 1.80
child wins     1, losses     2, visits     3, value 0.67, move 3
child wins    86, losses     5, visits    91, value 1.89, move 2
child wins     4, losses     3, visits     7, value 1.14, move 1
Move: 2 

Nim: 5 Turn: -1
Move: 1 

Nim: 4 Turn: 1
completed 100 rollouts
root  wins   131, losses     2, visits   133, value 1.97
child wins   182, losses     0, visits   182, value 2.00, move 3
child wins     1, losses     2, visits     3, value 0.67, move 2
child wins     0, losses     2, visits     2, value 0.00, move 1
Move: 3 

Nim: 1 Turn: -1
Move: 1 

Nim: 0 Turn: 1 

player 1 (MCTS) wins
Once you are confident that MCTS is working properly you can turn off the status messages and explore how MCTS does with the much hard game Hex. Note that in Hex, Player 1 is blue and Player 2 is red. Try a game vs a random opponent using 1000 rollouts per turn (note there will be a clear pause in play as the MCTS completes these rollouts). Player 1 (MCTS) should win every time.
./ hex mcts random -a1 1000
Try games with two MCTS opponents pitted against one another. Give one version only 10 rollouts and the other version 1000 rollouts. The MCTS with more rollouts should always defeat the one with less rollouts.
./ hex mcts mcts -a1 1000 -a2 10
You should ensure that the MCTS with more rollouts is successful as either Player 1 or Player 2.
./ hex mcts mcts -a1 10 -a2 1000
Once you are confident that MCTS is working properly try playing Hex against it.
./ hex mcts human -a1 1000
Can you beat it? Does it seem to have good strategies? Does it's play improve if you give it more rollouts, say 2000 per turn?

Optional Extensions

When you have completed the above implementation tasks, you are welcome to try one of the following extensions:

For any extension that you try, describe what you did and the outcome in the file called

Submitting your code

Use git to add, commit, and push your code.