In addition to the concepts below, you should also know the
concepts that were tested on all of the previous quizzes:
Quiz 1,
Quiz 2,
Quiz 3,
Quiz 4,
Quiz 5.
You should be able to define and explain the following terms:
- The difference between recursion and iteration
- Base case
- Recursive case
You should understand and be able to use the following Python concepts:
- How variables are stored and function arguments are passed on the
stack for recursive functions
Practice problems:
- Write two versions of each of the following functions, one version using
iteration and one using recursion:
- sum all values in a given list of integers
- return True if a list is sorted/in order, otherwise False
- count/return how many times a given value (v) is found in a list (L)
- find the largest number in a list
- Draw a stack diagram for the following program. Show what the
stack would look like at it's largest point.
def main():
n = 3
ans = summation(n)
def summation(n):
if n == 0:
return 0
return n + summation(n-1)
- Show the output for the following program:
def main():
result = mystery("swarthmore")
def mystery(x):
if len(x) == 0:
return ""
elif x[0] == 'a':
return '@' + mystery(x[1:])
elif x[0] == 'e':
return '3' + mystery(x[1:])
elif x[0] == 'o':
return '*' + mystery(x[1:])
return x[0] + mystery(x[1:])
- Here are several possible solutions to the problem of finding
the product of a list of numbers. For
example, product([4,2,5]) should return 40, which is
equivalent to 4*2*5. Which of these solutions is correct? For
incorrect solutions, what would be returned when each is called on the
test list [4,2,5] and how would you fix the problem?
def product1(ls):
if len(ls) == 0:
return 0
return ls[0] * product1(ls[1:])
def product2(ls):
if len(ls) == 0:
return 1
return ls[0] * product2(ls)
def product3(ls):
if len(ls) == 0:
return 1
ls[0] * product3(ls[1:])
def product4(ls):
if len(ls) == 0:
return 1
return ls[0] * product4(ls[1:])
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