CS 21, Spring 2017

Recursion Practice - Answers

  1. factorial(n) - This function returns n!, the factorial of n. For instance, factorial(5) should return 120.

     def factorial(n):
       if n == 1:
         return 1
         return n * factorial(n-1)
  2. sumList(L) - This function returns the sum of L, a list of integers. Hint: when recursing on a list, we often use a list of length 0 or 1 as the base case. For the general case we often try to go from a list of length n to a list of length n-1.

     def sumList(L):
       if len(L) == 0:
         return 0
         return L[0] + sumList(L[1:])
  3. maxInList(L) - This function returns the largest value in L, a list of integers.

     def maxInList(L):
       if len(L) == 1:
         return L[0]
         maxOfRest = maxInList(L[1:])
         if L[0] > maxOfRest:
           return L[0]
           return maxOfRest
  4. blastoff(n) - This function simulates a countdown to a rocket blasting off. If you call blastoff(5) you should see the following output:


    This is the first example we've seen of a recursive function called for its side effects, not for its return value. Still, you should approach this problem by looking for a base case and for how you can reduce the general problem into a smaller sub-problem.

     def blastoff(n):
       if n == 0:
         print("%d..." % n)
  5. getYNResponse() - This function should repeatedly prompt a user to enter 'y' or 'n', until they actually enter 'y' or 'n'. We have written this function before using a while loop. How can you replace the while loop with a recursive call?

     def getYNResponse():
       response = raw_input("Enter y or n: ")
       if response in ["y", "n"]:
         return response
         print("Invalid input.")
         return getYNResponse()
  6. countLetter(s, l) - This function counts the occurences of the character l in the string s. countLetter('abracadabra', 'a') would return 5. When recursing on a string, the base case is often the empty list, "".

     def countLetter(s, l):
       if s == "":
         return 0
       elif s[0] == l:
         return 1 + countLetter(s[1:], l)
         return countLetter(s[1:], l)
  7. reverse(s) - This function reverses a string, s. reverse('yellow') would return 'wolley'.

     def reverse(s):
       if len(s) <= 1:
         return s
         return reverse(s[1:]) + s[:1]
  8. isPalindrome(s) - This function returns True if the string s is a palindrome (same backwards as forwards), False otherwise. isPalindrome('racecar') should return True. isPalindrome('palindrome') should return False.

     def isPalindrome(s):
       if len(s) <= 1:
         return True
         return s[0] == s[-1] and isPalindrome(s[1:-1])
  9. isSorted(L) - Returns True if the list of ints L is in sorted order. Returns False otherwise.

     def isSorted(L):
       if len(L) <= 1:
         return True
         return L[0] < L[1] and isSorted(L[1:])
  10. recLinearSearch(x, L) - A recursive version of linear search. Should return True if x is in L, False otherwise.

      def recLinearSearch(x, L):
        if len(L) == 0:
          return False
          if L[0] == x:
            return True
            return recLinearSearch(x, L[1:])